Sephirah of Divine Emanation

Jeweled Gate of the Sephiroth
The Jewels in this Gate are Portals to the Sephiroth on the Tree of Life. Each Sephirah may be accessed by counting the Jewels ‘counter clockwise’ from the top. Thus, we have Kethyr at the apex, followed by Chokmah, downward and to the left; followed by Binah, to the left one more, etc. In the center is a Triquetra representing the Triune Supernals.
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The Round Tree
The Round Tree is a more orthodox diagram from the Hermetic Tree of Life Iconograph. It is viewed as written English (left to right) rather than in Hebrew. That means your perspective is your own (‘facing in’) rather than if you are meeting it (‘facing out’). Binah is therefore on the Right and the Pillar of Mercy is on the Left.
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Dionysian Spheres
The Spheres of Dionysius the Areopagite are featured here, alongside the appropriate God-Names, Angelic Orders, and Beings of the Sphere.
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Qabalistic Gate of the Elements
In this Iconograph, Portals to each of the Tattvas (Classical Greek Elements) reside in each of their respective Quarters, while the Center is Governed by the Quintessential 5th Element, or Akasha.
Around theĀ Akashic Center is found the Tree of Life Correspondence, consisting of the Sephiroth (running counter-clockwise) from the Brilliant White (Kethyr), followed by Chokmah (Bluish-White), Binah (Black with Red), etc.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.