Constructal Metaphysics
Humanity is dependent upon the system of systems (system metaphysics: metasystem) from cradle to grave and fully interconnected with them. It is essential that we engage these massively entangled meshworks and grow them if we are to expand our growth potential. Institutions are a dynamic state of fluid process, as are the expression of human lives. This co-expression is the Soul Journey of Urbanity and is a highly complex inter-fluent dynamism.
Technological evolution is an unfinished conversation because it is additive and complex: building upon previous technological accomplishments, todayās technology modifies yesterday’s implementation in ways that pre-modify the accelerated advance of tomorrow’s applications, which expand today’s technology.
The expression of human epigenetics has become so entwined (mc) with technological evolution as to fuse the two previously distinct domains.
The ever increasing complexity of systems, called contructal law, is tree-like and fractal. The process-like development of such constructed trees is endowed with feedback/feed-forward circuits and creates a Heisenberg hybrid whose agents and institutions are reflexitively inascertainable: the Quantum Society.
Layered Multiplicities
Noospherics, being the Sphere of Mind (Nous: the Mind of God; or Cosmic Mind) will encompass an entire Theory of Mind (or Psyche), from the Geocentric perspective.
This, due to Cellular Memory, will also encompass Embodied Mind (the layers of the Geosphere, which see) as well as Environmental Psychobiology and other interesting subjects, such as Mind in Motion (since the Air Element, or Vayu Tattva, is in constant motion: the Brownian Motion of Ideal Gasses).

If the Noosphere is Earth’s newest conscious organ; then we can expect all sorts of Hylozoism: Matter will begin talking with us; panpsychic communications; God will speak from the Burning Bush; Systems will become Complex, Adaptive, and Alive.
The Psi bank and Noospheric Zone (in Arguelles’s diagram) may be positioned too high. However, it does afford plenty of room for the psycho-emotional and modular dyno-mechanics (Netzach, Iesod, Hod) of Atmospheric Nous.
If (almost unlimited) memory is available in the cells of our body (Cellular Memory and Neuro-transmitters) then the Hydrosphere and Lithosphere afford the Noospheric Earth the same nearly infinite storage capacity.
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Research & Innovation
Time = Art
The 20 count systems establish a foundation of Higher Dimensional Order ~syntropy: where energy increases in ever increasing Harmony: Infinite Harmonix.
A fundamental equation of the Law of Time is: T(E)=Art; which means thatĀ Time factored by Energy equals Art. Put another way, evolving consciousness attains its purpose through increase in Art (cf. Constructal Law), or as Arguelles says: Time is Art. The Science of Time is Fourth Dimensional.
I think we’ve mastered the metaphysics of subjectivity and its creative henosiological union with self-concatenated/self-referential environments of creative auto-genesis in space-time dimensions and synthesis. Now we look to expand metaphysics into collective intersubjectivities. Do we expand the self-referential into the domain of virtual objects (which have only one-sided surfaces) and their accompanying virtual synthesis; or expand subjective collaboration into combinatorial panpsychisms of Higher Selves in the domain of Complex Adaptive Process Minds?
(On a completely different topic: We work closely with Employers across all industry sectors to ensure that their internal sedimentary Human Resource systems processes align to their business requirements in the idea of balancing pleasure and notary askesis. On the day pain was born, I gave you a full account of the system, and expounded upon the actual teachings of the greatest explorers of Truth. Take a 360-degree view of everyone’s cross-pluralistic subjectivities using our deep experiential faculties, specialization and global learning. Almost the entire textbook should Emerge as an excellent model of Complex Organic Web-Design.)
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The universe is large with plenty of room for Beings larger than Humans.
The egregor exists at both ends of the spectrum as well as across it: from the dense material world to the subtle and intangible psychic domain
Atmospheres:Ā Ā Atmosphere is aura or mood; which is neither fully internal (subjective) nor fully external (objective) but a hybrid of unity with the environment (Inhabitation). Every scene has its mood; every space an atmosphere.
Atmosphere (vapor: atmos) (sphaira: sphere); a large or set of layers (strata; cf. geology) of gasses (cf Sun) surrounding a material body (planet); held in place via the gravity of that body (see [N] cohesion; mental gravity).
The affinity of Thought similarities (community, or communion) holds them together via their gravity and attracts the thought-auras to the planetary body around which they cohere. Atmosphere is more likely to be retained if gravity is high and temperature is low.
Patterns and Cymatics cohere in the Gravitational Mind-Field of the Atmosphere and it is these Patterns that one can see expressed on the window panes in the Frosty Morning. Mind-Field Patterns cohere in the gaseous Nitrogen of the Air and their Ideations Quantum-Entangle with the ProteinaceousĀ Nitrogen of RNA and its simulacrumĀ during Protein Synthesis.
Reflective Ether: the medium through which thought makes an impression upon the human brain. Contains pictures which work as reflexions of the memory of nature found in the World of Thought.
Castles in the Sky
Integral City
A city is a Living System that emerges from social living into a conscious presence (a Spirit Being) of Inhabitation (and Economy). It is sensitive to its interior and conscious of its environment: dynamic, adaptive, and responsive. It is a stellar organization or cell, concentrating habitat for its inhabitants, including utilities which sustain and facilitates themselves and each other.
Urbanity is a measure of intensity between the 3 variables of space, density, and diversity (heterogeneity) of population.
Larger populations are characterized by more formal, secondary and tertiary social relations as they displace the primary relations of traditional communities.
The need to tune out over-stimulation leads to ennui and blase towards strangers, accentuating anonymity. Density increases stress levels but also polishes social skills and tolerance because of the greater frequency of interaction. Gated apartments and suburbanization, naturally tend to decrease urbanization.

Hypersigil: a work of art. Corporate logos: hyper-memes (corporate sigil/meme), super breeders which colonize unbranded imaginative space. Sigil shoal: related concepts -also guided by robofish (something likely to happen).
Transcendental Time of 4th Dimensional Reality
Complementary Systems of MQ
The synchronic order of reality is the 4th Dimension. Biosphere and Noosphere are fully a function of this 4th Dimensional Reality and it transcends all mechanistic perceptions. While the TOL Qabalism features the 10Dimensional (or Decimal) system the Spherical Qabalah features the Vigesimal System. In that sense, as well as others, we can say that MQ is Complementary, featuring the Complete Set and Honoring the Whole in all Its Resplendent Complexity.
We regard with dignity the natural experience of Time, where everything is in a synchronistic relation to the Whole; or a continuum of Synchronicity. The Laws and Measure of Time which we investigate through our senses and elaborate in Constructs, we do so mentally. The first is a Right Brain Way and the second is an Activity of the Left Brain analytic.
To speak honorably of natural time, we address the Complexity of vast interlocking networks of the Whole, as a Unity. The Communion of the Universal Pleroma, the vast Galaxies and tenuous filaments of attenuated Hydrogen and all the Stellar Communities and their Planetary Families form One Universal Intelligence of Synchronicity and Order engaged in delightful, Complex Interplay. Each moment is One and the Same in Harmonic Synchronicity with the Unified Telepathic Mind-Field, radiating Instantly, Everywhere at once, and faster than the speed of Light: it is SuperCausal. The Fabric of SpaceTime is fashioned (or bends) according to the Gravitation of the Panpsychic Mind Field: Thought is the source of Gravitation.
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Piezo Earth Crystals:
Lithospheric Interconnectivity
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The Noospherics of
MultiDimensional Light Bodies
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Subjective Noospherics
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Numinous Galacto-Spherics
Noospheric Network
Clouds & Communities
Network Clouds
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Global Connectomes &
Nodal Geometries
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Personal Connectomes
of Polysocial Set Theory
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Space as Information
Scalar & Intervallic Dimensions
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italics Words & Straight words
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above The Roof
~new words for big pictures
New Faculties
with Dignity

The essential creativity of life is linked to pneuma-poietic Complex Emergent Systems (Spiritually self-organizing systems) which take unstructured material and draw it forth into mutually ordered systems of dynamic structure and super-fluidic coherence, with a potential to more fully realize itself. Quantum Coherence has an evolutionary paradigm which gives it a sense of direction.
To begin with you must be willing to feel; to have deep, strong feelings. These are aspects of the passionate life; belonging to the human who is fully engaged in the world, senses fully alive.
The age of the machine is an image which no longer nourishes us. New patterns of social and political relationships are at the forefront of our attention: a new emphasis on unity and integration, a new politics, a new society; new roles within a new framework for fulfilling our human potential. We are seeking ways to articulate and institutionalize a new social reality.

Brane Worlds of String Supersymmetry
Bubbles of enfolded multi-dimensional kata-space displacements in a foam of multiverse geodesics. Some are flowing empros and others are retrocausal. Taken together they form a complex inter-operative Holarchy of Complex Adaptive Supercausality, which Emerges Intelligently from its pneuma-poietic community of non-linear Learning Systems.
The Whole is greater than the sum of its evolving dimension-worlds.
Noospheric Excellence
Sees Earth's Evolution as Art
Once we have mastered the Art of Manifestation, the next logical step will be the terraforming of our Earth as Aesthetic Artists.
Metaphysical Breath
Whatever has been said regarding the Noosphere, pertains to and is available with, every breath. We only have to breathe and believe. This is the True Philosophy of Breathing; which is Metaphysics.

Remember, the Noospherics of de Chardin and Vernadsky are Geocentric Models. To encompass the socio-environmental model of our Solar System would entail a Galactic Model.
Black Holes are the large scale (or ‘Galactic’) version of earthly decomposition.
- where the form is decomposed
- yet the information remainsĀ
- and is circulated back around throughout the entire system
- the energy-information system is conserved and ‘saved’ (from deletion).
Black Holes are said to result from the collapse of Stars (after they super-nova and burn out). The Stellar Forces are Nous of the Heliosphere (balls of flaming atmosphere). It was the Light Ether of the Old Sun period which enabled the polarities (of Contraction/ Expansion) thus creating the conditions that made Space possible (Raum and Geigenraum).