Spherical Virgo
Virgo is an Earth sign governed by Mercury, that is very analytical and fastidious in their attention to detail. Dry and cold to outsiders, they can open up and be spontaneous and playful once their trust is won but it is hard to win and they will choose whomever succeeds in measuring up. You can access the Archetypal Virgo here.
The Jovian Archetype of Virgo is an excellent initiator into the esoteric Chemical Sciences, including Nanotechnology, Biotech, Genetic Engineering, Computer Science, as well as Networks and Complex Adaptive Systems. Magic and Qabalistic Alchemy are part of this too.
The Consulate of Mars has three representatives in Virgo, all experts in Science, Engineering, Technology, and Mathematics, among other things. You can read about them here.
Ambassadors for the Telomere phase of Science and Technology at the end of human evolution, where the Cycle of Seasons comes to completion. Here the matter is concluded and the Hermit moves on. Read about the Solar Genii here…
The Cythereans of Virgo are dedicated to Beauty and Aesthetics in all regards, along with the means toward intellectual understanding of this complex subject. Introduce yourself here…
Angels of the Shem ha’Mephoresch (the 72 Letter God Name) for the sign of Virgo …click here
The 30 Principal Intelligences of the Earth Zone for Virgo govern our physical planet. Their descriptions can be found here…
The 1st Lunar Chief overlaps with and was covered in Spherical Leo. The two remaining Chiefs are covered here.
Virgo is an Earth sign and the suite would be Pentangles (coins). The aptly chosen Arcana would be ‘the Hermit’. Here is a short summary of the esoterics behind these images.