Mercurian Virgo

Lekabel (31)

(Bardon) – “The thirty-first genius is an initiator into love magic and all sexual mysteries. Besides this, he can instruct the magician in Qabalah and talismanology and in the art of acquiring the most diverse magical faculties by the Akasha principle, or by the use of the light, for instance, clairvoyance, making oneself invisible, etc. The magician will find Lekabel to be an excellent teacher in alchemy. Following his instructions, the magician is able to prolong his life at will. But there are many other advantages resulting from the contact with the thirty-first genius of the Mercury sphere. The magician can, for instance, become a rich man after this genius has made him discover precious treasures hidden under the earth. The magician learns how to force thieves by magic to restore the stolen things or to give themselves up. This genius also unveils the secret of how to become a talented orator, and many other things”.

The Akashic Field is a term used to describe a postulated subtle field that is the source of life, consciousness, and all other forms of existence. It is considered to be composed of a quantum mechanical force called ‘Akasha’.

The Akasha Principle in Science and Consciousness, aka The Akashic Field or A-Field, is the idea that everything that ever was, or has been, can be seen as an energy pattern encoded into what we refer to as the Universe. This Field responds, evolves and directs with Intelligence.

The Akasha principle is the oldest and most universal theory in science and consciousness, which represents the direct connection between human beings, nature and the universe. It is a concept of cosmic evolution asserting that all things are interconnected in a common field of information.

The word Akasha or Ether derives from the Sanskrit meaning ‘sky’ or ‘heaven’. It was introduced to Western culture as a fifth element in philosophy as early as 5th century BC by the Greek philosopher Anaxagoras. In Hinduism it was known as ‘akash’ or primordial ether. The Persian scholar Alhazen (965–1040) called it a “transparent jewel of the first water”. The fifth-century Chinese monk and translator Fa Xian described this “supernal air” as ‘diamond sky’.

The premise of the Akasha Principle is that an interactive holographic spacetime contains all information sentient beings have ever experienced, which includes objects in space because they are sentient packages of Information too. Information can be understood as the original connection between matter and consciousness, both of which are alive.

The Akasha Principle (“Light-Ether”) postulates Universal storage of all objective Information, in a domain unspecified but acknowledged to exist beyond perceived physical reality. The Akasha provides the enabling power for manifestation, through a “Universal Substrate” of organizing Consciousness at its inception, then proceeds by reciprocal exchange of subsequent data for self-aware updates, on a constant real-time basis. Akasha is employed as a term for the subtle, but powerful life force that animates all of creation. The Akashic Records are the collective data points of consciousness from all past experience stored in a cosmic memory bank. As such, Universal Substrate proponents view accessing this data as akin to accessing the memory partitions on a computer; recovering long forgotten gems from a cluttered Server known by the modern term, “Akashic Records”.

The word akasha can mean “empty” in the Sanskrit language which may be interpreted as “sky”, “aether” or “space.” Even though modern scientists still use the word space, we know that it is anything but empty. The same holds true for the Akasha, which contains everything, past, present, and future because it transcends time and space.

The concept of Akasha implies “the arena of cosmic space”. It is that space, overflowing with spiritual energy, which is illumined with Light Ether and displaces the heavy thickness of Darkness.

It can be interpreted as activity or thought-matter, powered by information stored within fields. We cannot see Fields but can only perceive their effects. The Akasha Principle aligns closely with invisible information from various dimensions running in orthogonal parallels to tangible matter. Think of Akasha as a space where you could transcend into transdimensional subroutines of universal cosmic programming; while the hardware can be seen and felt, the software is invisible and cannot, because it is merely conceptualization. To become Invisible is to quit the domain of hardware and to enter into the Information Architecture of the Field Matrix. The Akasha principle leaves open-room for cosmic intelligence and by the execution of Invisibility Magic, one becomes a thought in the vast and infinite All-Mind.

Magic has been a part of human culture since the earliest days of our species’ existence. One constant in all these myriad forms of magic is that they are united in their belief that there is something more to the natural world, or to the world beyond nature, and that this “something” can be accessed by human beings through Magic means. Humans have always had ways to access this “something more” even though they didn’t know it at the time. And that access is via the Yoga of Magical Development.

Magic spirits are guides who help a person to access and work with their powers. Magic Spirits help people to find their true potentials, to connect with their inner power, and understand quantum physics as well as how thoughts create reality. The bending of psychic spacetime relies on the string-net data-soup circulating beneath primary matter in a subspace gel-matrix: the swirls and vortices of fluid thought are the naiads of the panpsychic spirit. Thales taught that the Universe was a liquid.

The Akasha Principle is the foundation for true magic. The Akashic Records are the blueprint for everything in existence. This principle is supported by quantum physics and illustrates how everything in the universe is a projection of the conscious holofield.

Akashic Magic is a type of magic that involves communication with Spirits of a Magic Light and the use of light to heal or create is intrinsic to one’s Jivatman. This type of magic is less common as it requires purity and flexibility of thought. The usage of Photon Magic involves the manipulation and control over photons, and advanced knowledge of the spatial generation by luxons, informed by the superluminal scalar waves of tachyonic heterodynes. Photon magic affords us an alternative form of energy healing that works by using psychic thoughtrons, emitted from the mind of a healer to activate the body’s bioplasmic energy for a natural self-healing process.

There are a number of ways in which light can be understood. One is to understand it as having a kind of existence inside the human mind. Light has an existence inside the human mind, as it does in all minds. It is all around us, but we can’t see it except by the tiny illuminated cone of our present moment. We perceive light through our thoughts and feelings more than through our vision. We can only see what the light sees in us, which is brought to illumination through its own interests and concerns. What we come to know is only known by the Rich Inner World of Light itself. Light is a Spiritual Being, a Soul. It manifests on our physical plane by inhabiting the Ether. Ether is dense and together, the Light and the Ether push back the Darkness, which is also a Living Spirit. The two Spirits, Light and Darkness conjugate to produce color. We live out our lives in a cavern of color.

Space first came into being during the Old Sun period. The Cone of Light creates a periphery that is space. Light generates Space. And so the Light Ether is related to the atmosphere and atmospheres relate to thought.

In the self-actualizing cosmos, energy is continually talking from field to form. Communication manifests as information in a dimension deeply connected with time, where gravity has a consciousness. It thinks up space and then fills it with molecular spin-webs of cosmic proto-noise: hydrogen, helium, water and other elements within an invisible cosmic envelope called hyperspace or the transponding ether. Water relates to the Tone Ether.

Sonoluminescence is a phenomenon that is based on the natural light production of small bubbles in liquids via their sonic elasticity. It was first discovered by a group of scientists in 1968. Life Colloid is responsible for emerging bio-artifacts as viewed through the background illuminating microscope. It is no stretch to see that the sonoluminescence of these colloidal proto-minerals is generating tonal oscillations that engender cymatic information structures capable of evolution as complex adaptive systems, which harbor the life intrinsic to the spectral photons inherent in them.

The Rich Inner World of Light takes this phenomenon and applies it to spectral design, divided into three sections: light as information architecture and topography, light as catalyst for peptide alchemy, and light viewed through different lenses of lived experience, conducted in tonal harmonies. The world is dependent on light, both natural and transcendental.

Space subtends and generates all things. Things emerge from space, which is not empty, but a plenum of dynamic information that is interacting with its objects as an intelligent connectome. In Akashic Magic, you are in relationship with this intelligent spirit and operating within its information field. The Akashic Field is alive and you are a functioning thought within it.

From the point of view of its objects, Akasha is an infinite field of information from which interactive communication proceeds. The intelligence encoded in the Akasha informs all things. Information in the Cosmic Matrix is in a distributed form, as in a hologram. Accessing a fragment of the Cosmic Hologram affords one a deep consciousness of the entirety. Beneath the known matter of the universe is a continuation of unknown matter that goes on forever within the field of immanent consciousness which is the background basis of spacetime. This field intelligence is now and has always been there in the intrinsic psychophysical pan-ontology.

After the death of the body, life continues to persist in the Akashic Information field and can be contacted and communicated with. The entire field represents a complex adaptive field-intelligence that projects its panpsychic artifacts in ever evolving psychodynamic architecture. Generative collectivities of these systemic institutions emerge and develop, constituted by societies of mental coherences intersubjectively collaborating as holarchies of holographic agency.

What if you could be invisible to the rest of the world, to surveillance agents, or noospheric AIs? It may not be just science-fiction anymore. Quantum Jumping and Undetectable nomadic-software are both virtualization agencies engaging with deep-subspace holofields and represent modular extensions for helping your invisibility when stealth-browsing the stringnet subroutines or scanning the A-field.

The ability to affect a series of quantum jumps, can improve one’s physical health and enhance the mental state. Vulnerability to physical impact will be diminished and additionally, all incoming data will become more intuitive and arrive quicker, providing enhanced security against psychic attacks or thought intrusion. This provides secret methods of protection against malicious perpetrations and advance tactical reconnaissance in the case of premeditated attack.

State Dependent conditions as described by Antoine Bechamp may be ameliorated via access to the best of all possible outcomes provided by parallel worlds, which will organically reduce pathogenic infections while strengthening immuno-responsive defenses, naturally without drugs. Social problems are amenable to decline in the same way because of the same factors of reduced environmental conductors, showing that all three areas of health and wellbeing: mental, physical and social are responsive to psychosocial dynamics whenever conditions are optimized in this manner.

In what way or ways is Alchemy a function of information transdimensionality? Communication, reframing, liminal states, networks, complex adaptive systems, living intelligences, and Akashic Field characteristics (detailed above). And how or in what ways does the prolongation of life as well as health and rejuvenation relate to this and to Light (biophotons, luxons, tachyons, etc.)?

 Vasariah (32)

(Bardon) – “The magician will find the thirty-second genius to be a versatile initiator and protector whom he may call on any time he wishes. He helps the magician obtain his right. Thieves, robbers, liars will be induced by him to tell the truth; he can provide one with an excellent talent for talking and instruct the magician how, by the help of Qabalah, to acquire such talents. In order to help him in moments of distress, the magician will be revealed powerful formulae or powerful words by this genius by which the fiercest aggressor can be made ineffectual. This genius can instruct the magician in astrophysics, in space magic and Qabalah, as well as in all other magic arts, and he can also assist artists in their profession. He may also reveal to the mature magician magic words by which he becomes invisible and invulnerable against any kind of weapon”.

Maslow’s needs hierarchy is a well-established cannon of psycho-spiritual development and personal growth, and brain research has backed this concept up with ample evidence in light of the transcendental mind. Even Neitzche’s philosophy (slave-mind/master mind) agrees. With respect to this, no one can undergo ascension until they secure the foundational rungs on the ladder of basic needs. Following closely on the heels of food and shelter are the requirements of security and personal safety and exemption from bodily harm.

Violence, physical abuse, crime and fraudulence are all detrimental to transcendental expansiveness. The light of reason (which dispels the darkness of fear) is strong in Virgo and the Mars Intelligences are highly motivated Scientists, leading to inherent axiomatics in the adjacent Mercurian decans. You can count on Mercurian Qabalah to provide formulas which will instantly incapacitate any such perpetrators and protect you against violence and weaponry. This Intelligence is sorely needed in these days and times.

Jehuiah (33)

(Bardon) – “The thirty-third genius is a teacher of all sciences of the earth. He helps the magician to pass successfully any examinations that he might have to go in for. He allows him to look into the past, present and future of all things, makes him recognize his enemies, is able to change hostility into friendship, to raise love in man and woman and to increase friendship. Furthermore, he teaches the magician the art of levitation, the practical application of the law of gravitation in a magical sense, instructs him in the dematerialization and materialization of bodies and other objects and in space magic. He reveals to him the remotest truths and he also assists the magician in solving difficult magical problems by way of inspiration”.

In times past, there were conceptual difficulties with space that hindered magical procedure due to over-rigid logical bias. Ever since the advent of Relativity and Quantum physics, these rigidities have been slowly eroded until nowadays, the new space magic is replete with magical possibilities.

Let us begin with Relativity because Einstein succeeded with space and time what Maxwell did with electricity and magnetism, namely that the two could be mathematically combined and thus became interchangeable. That would mean, for example, that two persons could be in the same general proximity to one another and one would be imperceptible to the other due to the fact that they were not present in the same time frame: same space but different times. We intuitively understand not being around when it involves the same time but different places: Jill is upset with Sam because he didn’t show up at the restaurant for their reservations at 6:30 p.m. But with Relativity, Sam may now claim that he fell into a cosmic wormhole and really did keep the appointment at 6:30 but it was in 1973, so the restaurant wasn’t even there back then, it was a garage. This new explanation is less intuitive and difficult to encompass logically, so Jill is not likely to be as generous about it.

Another new facet is the many worlds interpretation (aka parallel universes) that includes alternative timelines and infinite variations on experienced events, which afford almost infinite creative ideas for magical expression, especially when it comes to invisibility, materialization, dematerialization and time and space.

And another modern example is transdimensionalization, expressed via brane-worlds that describe tiny curled dimensions operating alongside our own 3rd dimension, where the laws of physics are not the same as ours.

In all these cases, Hermetic Correspondence (Quantum entanglement) and non-local phenomena (‘spooky action at a distance’) are known to apply, thus leading to the newer scientific perspectives that the many worlds are operating on an interactive (mutually participative) basis and information transfer can occur across parallel boundaries and between virtual selves, and that this information affects each parallel (or brane world) reciprocally. These scientific principles, long known to spiritualists, greatly expand the possible affordances for the practical Qabalist in view of space magic, invisibility, materialization/dematerialization, and transformation (of enemies into friends, for example), remote viewing (across time and space), imparted by a Principle Intelligence of Hermetic Mercurian Qabalism.

 Lehahiah (34)

(Bardon) – “The magician is told magic formulae for the calming of tempestuous spirits, so that he eventually becomes their master and is able to control lightning, thunder and thunderstorms on land as well as on the sea. If the magician, protected by this genius, is on a voyage, the ship will resist the greatest gales and return safely to its harbor. Led by Lehahiah, the magician will achieve great things. At this special request he will be initiated by this genius  into  the  remotest  Divine  Mysteries  and  he  will  be  shown  many interesting facts about magic and Qabalah, and thus an almost boundless number of possibilities will open to him”.

World religions of old are replete with legends about Sky Gods battling powerful Storm Dragons, the Sky Gods representing Arche and Cosmic Order and the Storm Dragons representing chaos theory and emergent phenomena, especially the disruptive forces of Nature’s raw power. Dragons have long been associated with and are seen to control the Elemental Water, the Seas (Ocean of Consciousness, especially the sub-cognitive), volcanic eruptions (Elemental Fire) and Earthquakes (Elemental Earth). The Air Element was seen as the intermediary in which the battle takes place.

In Systems Theory, this means that stable and orderly systems undergo disruptive liminal states as they transition from one strange attractor to the next in their adaptation and evolution to the environment. These disruptive liminal states are seen as the mighty battles taking place between the forces of Order and Chaos; and that is what it feels like to the membership of such established systems. We are all, in this modern world, active participants in global economic systems, state and national governments, supply chains and services, alongside our communities, neighbors and family.

In the realm of psychodynamics, our executive faculties are guided by a reasoning mind (corresponding to Air), while our subconscious natural instincts (corresponding to Water) rage and storm about creating tensions in our heart, solar plexus and intestines (which often are heard to roar in displeasure). Our body represents the Earth, adeptly sculptured by the Dragon. While the battle rages, our reasoning mind seeks to re-establish order and coherence in our personal domain and we do not become resettled until peace comes at last. Metaphysical Qabalah has long taught the relationship between Water and Air are quite close in that the fluid dynamics, the swirls and vortices, the spreading out and the settling-down, and the helical dynamo and wave-forms resulting from energy impartations, are shared by both, with Water spending a great deal of time suspended in Air (in its Vapor stage) where it travels about, gathering insights into aerial information and perspective. It should come as no surprise then if anyone becomes upset over stressful ideas. These formative fluidics communicate with the Etheric Body, resulting in psychosomatics, for good or for ill.

Dragons eventually become very large, the Elders are of Titanic Nature. In literature and in legend we are led to believe that they are diabolical but this is not particularly so, nor are they reptilian (so do not think of them as dinosaur-like). This diabolical treatment gives people the impression that they are fire-breathing demons with wings but this too is not so. The demon is local and personal. The Dragon is free-ranging and has his own will and genius. More will be said about the demon in the following Mercurian Genius, Kevakiah.

Though their heritage is Ancient and obscure, it is thought that the Dragon came originally from the Old Sun, though his Roots go back to Old Saturn (but don’t we all). It was the Dragon who went out among the smoke and ash resulting from atmospheric combustion, to form the planets and to guard their riches and wealth; and it is the Dragon that Honors the Eldunariya. All Character Ennoblements may be accomplished with the aid of a Dragon ally. Such Ethical systems are Honor based and the question always comes up about what made the Good Dragon go bad. Those who know and understand the Dragon lineage will find this question irrelevant but foremost on a list of answers would be human ignorance, denial, and most importantly, disrespect. There have been a few mortals who, learning the Secrets and knowing about the vast power and riches afforded by Dragons, sought to bend the Proud and Honorable to their nefarious cause but they have always been defeated and in the end, meet with utter destruction. Always; though much misery and suffering have accompanied these vain and hubristic atrocities. Deeply Rooted in Nature’s Titanic Forces, Dragons share a lot in common with the Asuras and the Tantric Goddesses (such as Kali Durga, for instance). Because of these complex Roots, they are not easily understood by men and are quite formidable against even the largest army of demons. Mere mortals are no match for even the smallest of Dragons, though most dislike the noisy mind and fickle disposition of the common crowd, sleeping far away on the mountain top until aroused to swoop in and terrorize the local villages with panic and disarray.

Jah Lechah, the 34th Mercurian Genius of the 72 Letter Name of God (Shem ha Mephoresch), superintends the Tempestuous Spirits and teaches us to calm them, even making them our friends and working with them magically as partners. We are all incipient magi, though most latently so, because the bioenergy required for running our physical health and maintenance is easily depleted without an alliance with Supernal Powers. It has long been established that a Dragon will greatly afford all the power needed for Magic Operations, but Dragon alliances are not a petty undertaking and the would-be dragoon is easily ripped asunder in the naive but ill-fated attempt at such mastery. Jah Lechah can assist the Dragon Whisperer in this, and beyond that, the Magus will learn many mysterious secrets pertaining to magic esoterics.

We are all on a voyage, the Journey of the Soul; the Ocean is so large and our ship is so tiny. Protected by this Mercurian Genius, our vessel will survive the Dragons of Tempest, returning intact to safe-harbor, at long last.

 Kevakiah (35)

(Bardon) – “is the thirty-fifth genius, who will show the magician ways and  means  to  become  complete  master  of  all  dangerous  influences  of negative beings. He turns the greatest enemy into a friend of the magician, creates peace everywhere where it is desirable, amongst individuals as well as amongst nations and peoples. If the magician wants it, Kevakiah will help him to become rich and honored”.


The 35th Mercurian Genius is quite important and his placement is important. He comes after the mastery of dramatic natural forces which, on the ladder of Maslow’s needs hierarchy, precede the affordances of personal development. However in modernity, the subjective and intersubjective stresses are sometimes the most pressing, while the systematic issues are largely stable and secured. Additionally, this Genius precedes the 36th, who fulfills the juxtaposition of the decans with the Sephiroth, which will not succeed until the 35th is mastered. This Angel of the 72 Letter God Name affords the magus ways and means in the mastery of demons.

You may side with Pollyanna and think that you do not have anything of interest invested here, but in this you are deluded and the stakes are already too high. We project our demons from our psychodynamic distress: mental, emotional or psycho-emotional. So demons can be personal and familiar, knowing everything about our interior workings. We create them continuously in relation to those aspects of ourselves that we reject, which includes fear, negativity, bigotries, conditioning, indoctrinations, worries, history of abuse and erroneous cultural adherences, to name a few. They are a part of our extended psyche and, knowing everything about our personal history, can appear to be powerful and all-knowing. Continued campaigns of harsh repression have made them alert, aware, evasive and expert manipulators who can exploit our every weakness because they know us all so well. Persecution by the well-developed personal demon is a terrifying experience of psychological self-abuse. Knowing this does nothing to make it less real however.

Often we will partition off sectors of our sub-drives and store them there, creating complex adaptive modules which grow and learn and evolve adaptively to become entire personae that we assume in times of stress or when conditions are conducive. In the event of psychological breakage, we may actually act from these modules as they are the ones with the strength and resilience to survive. On the other hand, we are also generating benevolences and projecting those in a constant stream of angel-making. This fact should enlighten every magician as to the profound importance of healthy living and a nurturing lifestyle.

Beyond affirmations and intentional beliefs lie the vast terrain of our psychological underworld which operate on their own intelligence where ignorance of their world comes at great peril for a student undergoing magically accelerated psychic development. Furthermore, no ascension can be affected until the fear-triggered hindbrain feels secure and the perception of a demon is as terrifying as it is invincible. A good test as to your own self-ignorance is your willingness to skip over anything pertaining to the word demon. If you’re afraid of looking at the very word, then you are rife with them. Though we do not need to wallow in obsession over this, we should recognize that the new age religions are towers of cognitive bias and little forward progress can be made when the sadakha is busy running away.

The aforementioned are the personal demons, generated via psychological projections from the interior of the self. There are other classes of demons, notably the demons of the exterior world. While even the personal demons are often experienced externally (they are after all, projections), the human is not the only active intelligence in the universe. Nature too has an intellect and there are projections of Nature’s psychodynamic mind that fill and populate our environment everywhere we go. It is said that Nature abhors a vacuum and this means She fills the void with panpsychic projections of her own, humanity being one of them. Compounding Her stress-inducing trauma via cataclysms and abuse by ignorant men are the intense intersubjective fears, loathings, hatreds, violent hearts, cinematic productions, political partisanships, wars, exploitation, heartbreak, misery, sufferings, and general enemy-consciousness of the Collective consciousness. Nature in Her powerful generative creativity is a prodigious factory of demon manufacture, many of which are enormous and difficult to subdue. So demons are conjured up from two different sources: from the outside and from within. The Virgo Archetype projects scientific demons which become an existential threat to humanity and our continued survival, resulting in loss of independent thinking in the greater collective. This class of demon, found extensively in Virgo, are frequently cast into conspiratorial egregori. This is, rather ironically, one of the most urgent issues for the collective psychology of today.

Nature’s projections can be helpful and assist us marvelously, if we are able to transignificate our own psychological emendation, but living in the grip of our hijacked neurotransmitters, we are ill-positioned to do so, even if we are aware. The amygdalae must be positioned in the forward orientation before the frontal lobe becomes transcendentally activated and without Qabalistic Technology from the Shem ha Mephoresch, we encounter this impervious zone of the ring-pass-not. The Hermetic Semiotics of Mercurian Significators are essential to continued progress in Magic Development, Kevakiah being the Genius of choice in matters such as these. Once the ring-pass-not is breached, alliances are forged between the ego and the repressed psycho-emotional states, which subsequently activate the magical subroutines that drive our supernatural engines and we become resistant to corruption and assume legitimate magical authority. Like Persephone, with friends in the underground world of psychic subroutines, we have access to all the wealth of knowledge, honor of experience, and all the riches stored within.

Menadel (36)

(Bardon) –  “the  thirty-sixth  genius,  is  an  excellent  initiator  into synthetic  astrology.  He  teaches  the  magician  to  apply  his  astrological knowledge for spagirical and alchemical purposes; he informs him at what time and for what purpose he should manufacture and charge talismans and by which way the desired powers can be banned into precious stones by force of magic and Qabalah; he tells him the exact time when he should collect herbs and the practical application of their power for curing and for magical practices. This genius is also able to free prisoners, no matter in whatever kind of jail they may be. This he effects either by force of magic, i. e. by inciting wardens to open the locks and doors of the jail, or by an act of mercy. This genius also procures luck and happiness in one’s profession, the favor of very important persons, and many other things”.


At this stage in our human development we are all held hostage in our mindset. Our neurotransmitters have been hijacked and we are prisoners of our own culture of vices. Menadel frees prisoners; no questions asked. Sometimes it is by an act of magic and mercy and we are liberated from our fear and superstitions. Other times, it is by making friends with the subroutines and modular personae in our disk partitions. It is good to procure good fortune and happiness and have the favor of very important persons: the Chief Executive, for One.

Now we are at the 36th Angel of the Shem ha Mephoresch and, if we have begun in Libra, the season of fruit which begins at the Autumn equinox, we will have returned to the start and completed our Soul Journey of Stellar Emendations, marking the Harvest of yet another year. The number 360 is 10 Holy Sephiroth cross-referenced through 36 yearlong Decans (3 per month for 12 Months). We have acquired experiential knowledge with the Day Angels and the Night Angels for one Solar Turning and much has happened and we have grown. The 36th Mercurian Genius Completes it and we are ripe for the Spiritual Harvest.

There is a Corresponding Completion going on in the Cards as well: the pips in the Tarot deck are reaching their final culmination in the remaining Pentangles. The Earth Tattva represents the culmination of the Elemental Kingdoms and their physical manifestation and the final 3 pips are the 8, 9, and 10 of Coins which signify Success and Material Gain along with ‘the Completion of the Matter’ whenever we do a reading. The pips represent and are defined by the Decans of the Zodiacal Signs and their Spherical Ambassadors are Angels of the 72 Letter God Name, two per Decan (a Day Angel and a Night Angel) for a total of 72. Thus is the Matter definitely Concluded.

And it comes to pass that Menadel should also feature Synthetic Astrology (a synthesis of all Esoteric Knowledge) for the purposes of Alchemy and Spagyrics, for these are taken up last, in the culmination of Qabalistic studies. The whole of Spherical Qabalah: Planets, Beings, Angels, Sephiroth, Stellar Regenesis, Evolution and Redemption, Archetypal Personalities, Titanic Forces, the evolving History of Human Spirituality, Transdimensional Worlds, Intergalactic Federations, Psychodynamics, Geomancy, Tarot, Moon Magic, Hermetics, Evocation, and the Myrionymous Excellence of the Absolute Being are included in this miracle of Magical Development encountered in each round of Solar Travels. You are the Precious Jewel and Magic Talisman, and are now initiated into the Times and Seasons of practical magic through Spherical Qabalah and its Corresponding Depth Psychology. Journey well, fellow Pilgrim.