Earth Zone in Virgo
The seals of the thirty heads who belong to the zodiacal sign of Virgo are all to be drawn in Brown colour.
Peresch (1° Virgo)
(Bardon) – “controls all political events in our physical world. Depending on the degree of development and maturity of mankind he causes this or that idea to come to importance and social attitudes to become valuable. Furthermore, he decides on the duration of a political power, either by appropriate diplomatic developments or by wars, and he lets political views have failure or success, as Divine Providence orders it, considering the spiritual development of mankind. If the magician wants it, then this head helps him with a high political career, equips him with the faculties of an excellent orator, who knows how to bind people by word. Apart from this, he equips the magician with toughness and endurance which remain without comparison so that he can realize all his wishes in this respect”.
It is remarkable the degree to which Virgo is politically aware, even sometimes to the point of being political activists (see [Alpaso, Virgo 8] below). It only seems natural then that Virgo should begin with this Chief. By taking into account the Daath function (see [Notiser, 29 Virgo] for more on this) we readily understand why Political Science figures so prominently in Virgo under Mercury.
Bruahi (2° Virgo)
(Bardon) – “is the protector of all inventions in the Akasha-principle, so that they are not realized before their time. As occasion demands, he inspires certain individuals to make certain inventions and causes these to be realized in the physical world. However, this head also hinders people with high intuitive faculties from realizing inventions which are not to be made known to the public before a longer time, maybe a century or five centuries, has passed. The magician in the favor of this head is shown by him under the seal of secrecy, in the Akasha principle, which kind of inventions will startle our world in a hundred or even a thousand years”.
Beginning with the lyre and proceeding to the art of writing (including the inventions of the alphabet and metaphor), the ever-active Mind of Hermes has been ceaseless in activity and Intelligence. Technology (and Technique) are the sine qua non of the Sephirah Hod.
Moschel (3° Virgo)
(Bardon) – “controls every art on our physical world. His subordinates administrate the various branches of art. Special methods revealed to the magician by this head, either by his relevant subordinated beings or direct transference, enable the magician to equip himself with any artistic faculty. Moschel also helps the magician to make an artistic career”.
Art is Technique. See sine qua non above. Consider this with respect to ‘Alchemy, the Great Art’; the Magical Arts; the Art of Healing, etc. (the latter of which corresponds to the Archangel Raphael -see [Karasa, 14 Virgo] below.) Of course Beauty is also featured in various fields of Art (especially by prominent Artists) and there is a certain Harmonious Beauty (related to the Sephirah Tiphareth; Mercury was fast friends with Apollo) See, also [Girmil, 5 Virgo] below. (also cf. Virgo Cythereans)
Raschea (4° Virgo)
(Bardon) – “One could justly regard this head as the king of flowers, for all the flowers on our earth are under his protection. From this head the magician learns to understand the language of flowers, i. e. the symbolic meaning of the various kinds of flowers in their relationship to man as well as to the universal laws. The color, shape and number of the petals reveal to the magician the analogies to the universal laws and he sees from this what, in the world of flowers, is real beauty. Penetrating deeper into this knowledge, the magician learns to look at and understand each flower from the esoteric point of view, and he learns to grasp the qualities of each flower in any respect and to use them for magic purposes”.
For example, it will be found that many of the Nut Trees, which are renowned for their Airy Element, will be found to have bitter (an attribute of Herbal Air) coatings, pericarps, saps, or meats (especially when un-ripe), the ingestion of which causes radical intestinal catharsis and/or borborygmus due to the raw activity of un-seasoned Air. It is notable, as well that several native Nut Trees have glands which emit a fragrant (see Osmotherapy [Cobel, 19 Virgo], below) volatile compound (Airy attribute) [the Pecans and Hickories, Carya] and saps and juices which are yellowish when fresh or young but staining Brown even to the extent as making for very famous dyes and inks [the Black Walnut, Juglans]. The Brown stain was famously employed in the past as a cosmetic ‘sun-tan’ by the country girls in the Southeastern US. This yellowish-ness and Brown stain is often witnessed in the Springtime when the flowers of these trees (catkins) fall off the branches and wind up leaving Brown-stained imprints on the car-tops. The flowers of Oak Trees (Quercus sp.) do the same, and their acorns are quite bitter until boiled or roasted. (Yellow petals have a distinct Relationship to Brown Tinctures (see [Notiser, 29 Virgo] for more on this).
The study of Esoteric Flowers is a major Department and is included in Metaphysical Botany, a subject far too vast to go into here. Perhaps it will suffice to say that Metaphysical Botany encompasses the Art of Herbal Healing and goes way farther than any Spagyric Homeopathy has thus-far ventured. In this respect the King of Flowers is certainly a much Welcome and Respected Honoree.
Girmil (5° Virgo)
(Bardon) – “This head is a representative of love, harmony and beauty, and at the same time their protector. He teaches the magician to see love in everything. Love and harmony on the one hand, and hate and disharmony on the other will teach the magician to understand, too, the exact laws of sympathy and antipathy. Not before having gained this knowledge will the magician realize what is true beauty and that, in fact, beauty is but another expression for harmony. This head helps the magician to come to a genuine perception of beauty”.
The attributes of the Sephirah Tiphareth (which governs the preceding adjacent sign, Leo) are of course, Harmony and Beauty; 6 is the Marriage number (Sacred Union of the Spirit and Matter) and represents the Christ Consciousness as King (Melekim); and thus Divine Love (‘for God so loved the world…’ John 3:16); Apollo was fast friends with Mercury, as noted above; and Orange is composed of the harmonious combination of Red (Mars) and Yellow (Sun). Perception is an attribute of Air, represented here via [Z], Yellow; thus, ‘this Head is a Representative of… a Genuine Perception of Beauty’. He is Representing Tiphareth (Sun) in Virgo through Hod (Mercury). This will enable the Transformation called for in the Esoteric Virgo during the final two Decans, advanced wheel.
Zagriona (6° Virgo)
(Bardon) – “All teaching in its widest sense comes under this head’s sphere of influence. All teachers, writers, journalists and editors are protected by this intelligence. If the magician needs any advice in this or in a similar respect, if he needs protection, or if he desires to be successful, Zagriona will either assist him personally or send one of his beings to give help”.
Mercury, the Roman Hermes, himself the Egyptian Thoth was Curator, Protector and Master of Libraries (such as the Great Library of Alexandria, a Metaphysical Mythopoeic Corpus Scientifica). Mythopoeic Alexandria is a Metaphysical Center of Teaching.
Ygilon (7° Virgo)
(Bardon) – “is regarded as the original initiator into speech and writing. Having received orders from Divine Providence, he has caused man, since his creation, to express thoughts, terms, ideas etc. first by signs, then by articulated sounds and words, later by compound sentences and finally as a language. Then the head instructed his subordinates to see that this language was expressed externally in form of symbols in diverse ways, thereby laying the initial brick for literature as a means of communication and written tradition. But it took a long time until the language in writing reached the present state of literature. This head will make it easy for the magician dealing with the decoding of ancient, so far unrevealed, letters, and interpreting them. There are no records in writing on earth that could not be decoded by the magician with the help of this intelligence or his subordinates. Ygilon can also instruct the magician in the so-called magic of runes”.
Comprehension of Symbolic Language is a Faculty of the Air Tattva, in general and Cognition, per se, an attribute of [Z], Yellow; as well as the framing of Spiritual and Abstract Concepts in the Intelligible Language of Speech and Writing. The Browner colorations of Burnt Amber recognized in their Transversal Compliments (see [Notiser, 29 Virgo], below), most notably [H], (Air) are very much in evidence here.
Alpaso (8° Virgo)
(Barnel) – “Since the beginning of human records this head has been the protector of all poor and suppressed. In the Akasha he controls the fates of all slaves, beggars, gypsies, homeless persons, etc. He also helps persons who, by having become addicts to narcotics, are thrown out of the normal way of life, especially in cases where these people should, according to their fate, not be met by any accidents. Such people then pass every inconvenience without difficulties. Here the saying may be applied that “drunkards have a charmed life”.”
This Chief is very Honored in the New Eden; especially among the Bohemians and the Rainbow Tribes. Under His Guidance the Peace Movement, Feminism, Equality and the Back-to-Nature Movements took hold and flourished. Jazz, Rock, and Folk Music all owe their development to Divine Providence acting through this Principal as well as much contemporary Art and the modern versions of New Age; much of this based upon (lest we forget) Beatniks.
Kirek (9° Virgo)
(Bardon) – is known as an excellent initiator into alchemical magic. He shows the magician many methods by which he can strengthen the bond between the astral body and the spirit and also such methods by which he can make his astral body immune from destruction by astral elements and so reach astral immortality. If the magician asks for it, this head will instruct him in such methods by which he can cause the same effects in respect of the astral matrix, thus for his physical body, so that he is able to prolong his life as long as he wants. If the magician applies the methods given by this intelligence, age will show no effects on his body, he will never suffer from any external influence. Wounds caused by stabs or cuts, even the strongest heat, cannot do any harm to the body sheltered in such a way”.
Metaphysically we would be working with the Opalescent Light, here. The Fortification of which is a Shining Fortification of all the colors of the Chromosphere as the Pastel Representative of the Spiritual All and is the surest way to extend the Life of anything.
Buriuh (10° Virgo)
(Bardon) – “is an excellent initiator into alchemical secrets and entrusts the magician with methods by which he can achieve diverse faculties and powers by the application of appropriate alchemical means. This intelligence reveals to the magician how to produce diverse alchemical love medicines, incense, magic ointments, oils for exteriorization and other mediumistic purposes. Apart from this, Buriuh helps with the charging and impregnation of alchemical means, either personally or by his subordinates”.
This Chief is quite the expert in Mediumistic Preparations.
Yraganon (11° Virgo)
(Bardon) – “If the magician wants to have esteem, success, honor and riches in business, this head can help him a great deal in this respect by putting at his disposal his subordinates. Apart from this, he can make the magician achieve great skill in his trade or profession. All trade men having to deal with metals, especially iron are under the special protection of this head, thus, for instance, technicians, constructors, engineers, smiths, mechanics, etc. If the magician carries out any such jobs, he can achieve great things with the help of this head of the zone girdling the earth”.
An intense will to succeed predetermines success in these professions.
Argaro (12° Virgo)
(Bardon) – “is the custodian of all relics, holy places, temples, churches, statues of saints, pictures of saints, etc. and, furthermore, of all religions of the world from the beginning of mankind up to modern ages. A magician in contact with this head will be informed by him how divine ideas, deities, etc. are symbolized by pictures of saints, statues, temples and other symbols. He also tells the magician how in turn pictures, statues, monuments are, as personified deities, true analogies of the divine ideas, concepts, etc. Argaro also explains to the magician the rites with personified deities and reveals to him their secret meaning”.
The picture of the Guru, his/her Icon or Murti has very definite Influential powers which only grow stronger through the years. We have spoken of this magnetization with respect to other Principals in the Virgo Zone, especially in dealing with Runes, Sigils, Talismans, and it should be noted, Ideas in general, especially symbolic ones. The Realization of Projecta occur in intensified conditions of reflection and, in the case of the Cognitive Complementals, manifestation and condensification. The point here, though, is Divine Analog.
Algebol (13° Virgo)
(Bardon) – “is the expert and leader of all traditional religious rites, rituals and ceremonies of all religious systems. He may justly be regarded as a master of ceremonies. He acquaints the magician with all ceremonies, rituals and customs of any religion or sect, historical or modern, and explains to him their significance, thus enabling the magician to realize the full magical value, the power or dynamics of a ritual or ceremony”.
Extensively employed for experiential TPR in such Sororities as the Worthy Matrons of the Eastern Star and the Masonic Fraternities, etc., Brahmanic Priestliness and of course High Mass.
Karasa (14° Virgo)
(Bardon) – “is the protector of all medical doctors in the world. Even the medicine -men of the days of yore looked up to this head of the zone girdling the earth with devotion and made him sacrifices. But even nowadays doctors, especially surgeons, are inspired by this intelligence.
Karasa arranges that certain sick people are cured by certain physicians. The whole chemical-pharmaceutical production comes under the range of his powers. The sick magician who seeks the help of this head will get from him the exact diagnosis and will be told ways and remedies by which he can recover his physical health”.
The Archangel of Hod (Mercury) is of course Raphael (‘it is God who heals’). Consider this in relation to Cognition (the diagnosis aspect) and the Christ Consciousness (‘there is much Healing in the name of Christ’); also with respect to Harmony, (virtue of the Sephirah Tiphareth). The Integration of the Personality with the Individuality (Spiritual Self) is found to be the curative factor, because the Vital force of the Living Spirit is able to express Itself in non-aberrated ways through the Wholesome and Rectified Vessel.
Concerning the Chemical Therapeutics, it should be understood that the Metaphysical Chemistry is undergone via the Emotional Faculties in relating the Ideas to the Physical framework. This corresponds to the Moisture magnetizing the Thoughts (Air) to the Earthen Matrix in the Concentrated Light. Proper cross-reference (‘diagnosis’) is a beneficial aid to this, though the Chemicals work below the Cognitive level. ‘Diagnoses’, like Talismans and Runes work magnetically in the preconscious through the charged symbols. Therefore it is of utmost importance that the light by which such (emotionally) charged symbols are seen (dia-gnosis) should be a Revelation through Divine Light, not paranoia.
Akirgi (15° Virgo)
(Bardon) – “The magician may summon this head in all business matters, for he will always secure him the biggest success. Akirgi has a special affection for everything that has to do with paper or textiles. His influence, however, also covers the working up of furs, skins, leather, and the like, so that the magician will be supported by this intelligence not only in business affairs, but will also be able to get from him special recipes for the working up of furs, leather, etc. The magician may also be taught about many methods for the working up of paper and about impregnation materials which so far have not yet been made known to the public”.
It may be of interest to the student to note that having established that each Tree is inhabited by its particular Dryad (‘Dyr’ or ‘Tyr’ being the Universal word for Tree, from which the word Druid has come to us) and that the Greeks believed that they lived and died along with their Tree. But modern Industry has prolonged the life of Trees through the various Forestry Products, notably Paper and Furnishings, also the skeleton of the wood-frame house. Each of these may be worked up and ‘enlivened’ so that they become vivacious extensions of the Expression of Holy Living Being. With regard to textures it is also worth noting that hair in general and by extension furs, are not subject to digestion and decompositions at the ordinary rate of most other matter (though more so than an igneous rock, naturally). By this the student of Magic may understand such ‘strange’ phenomena as talking hats and speaking papers. The ‘working up’ of such things is indeed quite special.
Basanola (16° Virgo)
(Bardon) – “Since this head controls all vegetation, he may be regarded as the protector of agriculture and forestry. He is an expert in this respect, and the magician who gets into touch with him may learn a great deal from him. Apart from giving methods and instructions for effecting a good growth of plants, this head also instructs the magician in special magic Qabalistic methods by which growth of plants can be accelerated or delayed, depending on what the magician wishes”.
So very important are the subjects of Spiritual Ecology and Esoteric Agro-Forestry, especially when one takes into account the Tree of Life and the interior Vegetation of the Psyche. Bio-Dynamics are not at all restricted to organic feed-stocks and diatomaceous gravels but a complex overlay of Spiritual Recognition, Perceivable only by something akin to Divine Revelation in Its Refulgent Livelihood. Joyously cultivate your Inner Farmer!
Rotor (17° Virgo)
(Bardon) – “is a master of fantastic vision. Under his competence come all sagas, fairy-tales and stories. This head inspires all those poets and writers who are occupied with the production of sagas, fairy-tales and stories. Rotor provides them with an excellent power of imagination and lets them express this in suitable words. He likes to hide true events and magic secrets by fairy-tales, so that the magician, having called him, is given the appropriate explanations as to what each fairytale contains from the hermetic point of view.
Cinema has been his latest venue, I suspect.
Tigrapho (18° Virgo)
(Bardon) – “is a master of architecture and the art of structural engineering. From the beginning of mankind he has instructed man how he should dwell. Tigrapho is regarded the protector of all builders and architects on earth and assists them by inspirations in their design-work, no matter whether they are designing highways, river basins, water works or anything of that sort. If the magician is in this profession, Tigrapho may help him a great deal by intuition.
Engineers are a fascinating and beneficial bunch. Many Engineers reside in Virgo. The Public Works sector does and amazing job with their excellently designed Interstate Highway System where every detail is of utmost quality. If you pay attention to the setting and background scenery of major dreams, you will notice the excellent works of Tigrapho there, often in the form of canals and pedestrian conduits. Attentive students will recall that Hermes is quite the Traveler.
Cobel (19° Virgo)
(Bardon) – “is able to initiate the magician into the art of magic scents. From this head the magician learns to compose harmonious and inharmonious scents, for instance, scents that cause love and sympathy or optional dreams, or scents which can increase one’s power of concentration; scents for meditations, incense materials for diverse magic experiments, etc. The magician may also be told by Cobel details concerning osmotherapy, i. e. the treatment of diseases by scents”.
Osmotherapy is currently in vogue and one may even practice this in licensed settings. Beyond the clinical sanitaria however, are knowledge and relationships with cherished Beings who feature Osmotics. Be prepared, though; it is a bit unusual!
Hipogo (20° Virgo)
(Bardon) – “Everything that has to do with water and its relation to man falls under the competence of this head; thus, for instance, swimming, diving, moving along the surface of waters in all kinds of vessels, beginning from the simplest raft up to the most up to date steamship. Hipogo is the inspirer of ship-building, including the construction of submarines and everything that moves on or in the water and is built by men. If the magician is interested, this head will allow him to look into the most distant future to see all technical inventions to come in respect of mankind moving along the water”.
The keen student will be reminded of the Nereids and their Benevolence toward shipwrecked sailors. Not only that, but man-o-man! Can these Captains pilot a vessel (hold on to the reigns!)
Iserag (210 Virgo)
(Bardon) – “is regarded as the conveyor of fortune to mankind. He brings luck in games, competitions, at the stock exchange, in speculations and ventures of any kind. The magician who has this head as his friend will have every wish fulfilled in the physical world, he will be fortunate and successful in everything he undertakes. This head will also entrust him with methods which will give him happiness and contentment in any respect”.
Remember the Lord in Gratitude and Thanksgiving and don’t forget the offering of First-Fruits to the Spirit; be sure to tithe 1/10th of all Proceeds. Take care of the Widows and Children. Be quick to offer Charity and Assistance.
Breffeo (22° Virgo)
(Bardon) – “can be regarded as custodian of material laws and of justice. In every case where the magician is in the right this head will see that the matter is decided in the magician’s favor. Breffeo punishes, either personally or by one of his subordinates, any person that will do the magician injustice or who intends to do so, without the magician necessarily knowing about it. People who persecute the magician will be maliciously punished by Breffeo’s subordinate spirits, especially if the magician has had, or still has, good connections to this head”.
Often under the influence of intense Stellar stimulation, tamasic personalities will succumb to the perpetration of injustices against their neighbor. It is all under the jurisprudence of the Laws of Circulation and Redemption. Obviously, if injustice is rewarded and lawfulness is punished, the Kingdom will become populated with crooks and the Righteous will become sparse. By Divine Providence, this Noble Benefactor applies Remediation towards such an imbalance.
Those who Practice Devotional Graces (such as Good-Will, Benevolence, Christianity and Forgiveness) will clearly appreciate the fact that Breffeo performs this Service without the Sedaka necessarily knowing about it. Thereby is Order maintained without undue compassion towards the perpetrators of injustice.
Elipinon (23° Virgo)
(Bardon) – “By this head the magician is instructed and trained in all mantic arts according to the laws of analogy, no matter whether fortune-telling with cards, the tarot game, I-Ging, chiromancy, horoscopy, or anything of that sort is involved. Elipinon makes it possible for the magician to become a prophet by the training of the mantic arts and he helps him in becoming a genuine expert in this respect. Mantic experts all over the world are under the control of this head of the zone girdling the earth”.
Mantic Divination first arose to determine the Will of God (therefore ‘El’ + ‘Opinion’), but quickly became a tool to direct mundane affairs; not that the two are anything other than a continuum. The Laws of Analogy are a favorite consonance, for example among the Living Tarot.
Naniroa (24° Virgo)
(Bardon) – “guards the property of every person. The magician who has this head as his special friend has his property protected by his subordinates against all kinds of catastrophe, not only fire, thunderstorms, floods, but also against burglary, theft, etc. Naniroa will make him acquainted with methods by which a thief can be forced to return the stolen articles, or influenced in such a manner that he will betray himself. Also other magic practices for the recovery of lost goods can be learned from this head.”
A most well-respected Benefactor. Even if one practices ultra-Christian Forgiveness, it is interesting (and fun) to watch the perpetrators impugn themselves. Metaphysically speaking, Recovery of Lost Goods is a far-reaching topic.
Olaski (25° Virgo)
(Bardon) – “is the original initiator of all vehicles and means for transportation on the dry ground, starting from the simple cart up to the most modern automobile. If the magician wants to get certain information on this field, or if he wants to make technical improvements and new inventions, he will find his best master and assistant in this head. If he has a good contact with this intelligence, he can be sure to be especially well protected in his vehicle on dry land. During former connections with this head I was able to look into the far future in the Akasha principle to see vehicles no longer driven by combustion engines or atomic power. Quite a different kind of fuel will be used for the vehicles of transportation in the far future and will move them along at an incredible speed without any noise or odor. However, I was forbidden to reveal any details about this. The future alone will prove it true and that every new invention has long before been laid down in the Akasha-principle.
The latest model EV’s have arrived.
Hyrmiua (26° Virgo)
{Bardon) – “is a mighty protector of human consciousness on our earth. The average man would hardly be able to comprehend the range of power of this head. He prevents, for instance, the consciousness of the average man from travelling beyond the limits of the physical world. However, he allows the magician to enlarge the capacity of his consciousness, depending on his magical maturity. In other words: this head controls the development and maturity of each human being. He decides whether a person suffering from disturbances of his consciousness, an insane man or woman, should become healthy again and regain his normal state of mind. If this intelligence approves of his recovery, the psychiatrist will succeed in making the person completely sane again. Hyrmiua also controls all those people committing suicide, whose deed is not carried out under the conditions of Karma, so that they do not regain their consciousness in the astral world before the period has elapsed which they should have lived on earth. Not before the expiration of this certain period will suicides awake from their twilight sleep to get their full astral consciousness. Much more could be said about this head; but, however, these hints will be enough for the magician; if he gets into contact with this intelligence, he will never go astray mentally and will be given, by this intelligence, the power to read the consciousness of every man and to influence it. For instance, he could make him memorize pictures of the past or else delete such pictures completely from his memory. (known as ‘Pushers’) The magician learns from this head how to carry out a transference of consciousness in the magical manner, which, in the orient, is known under the name of “Abhisheka” or “Ankhur”.”
We have alluded to this Benefactor in the general notes regarding the Stellar Influences of Mizar, et al. Those in the Helping Professions will be keen to see the utility of deleting mental imagery, especially the obsessive and terrifying kind. For the Practicing Seeker, the expansion of consciousness into the Planes beyond the physical and the Abhisheka are certainly of interest.
Sumuram (27° Virgo)
(Bardon) – “is the master of all animals of the air. From the smallest fly up to the noble eagle all come under his protection. To the magician in contact with this head will be revealed all the secrets of flying animals. If the magician wishes it, Sumuram will show him methods and give him instructions by which he can gain the power of controlling every animal of the air. By using appropriate words the magician, for instance, succeeds in forcing the greediest eagle or vulture to come down from great heights and to sit down without anxiety on the shoulders of the magician. He can tame any bird of prey in a manner that it will play with children and not harm the tiniest animal. Many other magic arts in respect of the animal kingdom, which to the average man must sound incredible, can be carried out by the magician”.
Many former Raptors are now experimenting with vegetarianism (especially via the Nut Trees [Air Tattva] and have been quite successful with it), under Sumuram’s Directorship. The Corvids have practiced successful vegetarianism for a long time now.
Astolitu (28° Virgo)
(Bardon) – “is a special custodian of many magic keys and secrets. In our present state of development he leads and controls the aeronautics of the whole world with all its inventions. He can give the magician many inspirations in this respect. To the magician of the highest rank he reveals the secrets of gravitation and instructs him in the practical application of the power of gravity. Long before our civilization – many thousand years ago – our earth was inhabited by people with a high civilization who were far advanced in comparison to us in the techniques of aviation. To them gravity was no problem. They moved without motors or using gas to the highest altitudes reaching speeds equivalent to the rotational speed of our earth, transported without any effort and without mechanical help the heaviest loads from one place to another. After their ruin, which they had themselves brought about, Astolitu, the head of the zone girdling the earth took the keys back to himself again and now keeps them safely up to that day when mankind will have reached the necessary maturity and degree of development. In the Akasha-principle, there has never been anything lost, for everything remains registered there. Only the highest magicians can read everything in the Akasha-principle, which necessarily must remain a secret to the normal world”.
Forgive me for pointing out the Word ‘Atlantis’.
Notiser (29° Virgo)
(Bardon) – “Intellect and knowledge of every human being in the physical world are under the protection of this head of the zone girdling the earth. Depending on the state of maturity of a person, he controls his capacity of perception and makes him know things that are appropriate to his momentary degree of development. This head can therefore be justly regarded as master of knowledge, for it is by his influence that a man’s intellect on this earth is sharpened, his memory is enlarged, no matter with which field of science the person is dealing. The magician is given instructions by this head which, if he follows them, enable him to increase the capacity of his intellect and to strengthen his memory. Notiser informs the magician about any field of science and he provides all fields of science with that amount of knowledge that can be comprehended by man in their present state of development”.
In Chromatic MQ, we conceptualize the Faculties of Central Cognition as a certain Consciousness in a Certain Light. From this Perspective we are employing [Z], Golden Yellow, Cognition. Few people realize how very related the Yellow is to the Brown; they are found in fact along the same Central Pillar. Many of the Golden Tinctures in Nature are found to stain Brownish as they Oxidize (Volatize off) and/or Age. Note that the Sigils of the Virgo Principals are drawn in a Brown color. This will represent an Earthier instance of the Cognitivity.
The Complement of the Golden Yellow Lies in the Purple band of Frequencies. We are customarily placing the Purple Pillar vertically upon the Chromatic Sphere as our spine would relate to the Human Anatomy. The usual presentation puts the Cognitive band up-front and the Complement round back. Sometimes a relationship is formed directly across from color to color at the same level (degree of density) and sometimes the Bridge occurs transversally with respect to (density) level, looking more ‘stair-like’ and less like a ‘bridge’. Paying attention to this gives us a wide range of complements from Cognition of Symbolic Language to Manifestation of Cognates. Both selections are at work here in the Scientific context (Knowledge is Science) ranging from comprehension of Symbolic Logic to the ‘Manifestation’ (Noticing) of Known Things.
If we turn now to the Road-Map version, we will find that we may employ the ‘Invisible’ Sephirah Daath as the representation of Science (Da’ath means Knowledge) and since Perception is a feature of the Air Tattva, we will understand at once why Notiser should ‘control the capacity of perception, knowing things that are appropriate to his momentary (in that instance) degree of development’ (Relative Perfection). Regarding this ‘capacity’; Capacitors are semiconductors which serve to insulate and block the flow until sufficient charge is built up at which time they suddenly switch ‘on’ (Aha!) and also serve as in-line battery-packs which regulate any deviation in continuity. Such a ‘capacity of perception’ would then be rendered dependable, not fickle (an Earthier state of Cognitivity).
Both the Yellow [Z] and the Brown [T] are excellent in the ‘strengthening of Memory’ and ‘increase in Capacity of Intellect’. It is well that ‘Notiser’ should be a master of that which we ‘notice’.
Regerio (30° Virgo)
(Bardon) – “The last head of the zone girdling the earth under the zodiacal sign of Virgo, Regerio, is the custodian of many mysteries of wisdom and sees that true wisdom is only made accessible to virtually mature people. If, however, it should happen that magic secrets become known to the immature and unauthorized, this custodian of the mysteries of wisdom blocks the way to wisdom for these unauthorized persons by shrouding them in darkness with unbelief, suspicion, self-conceit and one-sided views, leaving the true mysteries covered and occult to him even though they may be stored in thousand drawers of the immature. The magician who succeeds in getting into contact with Regerio is taught by him to realize the difference between knowledge and wisdom by intuition”.
Noting that ‘the Spirit of Vayu is Wisdom’, the rest is self-explanatory; except perhaps to note that ‘knowledge’ [Violet, the Spine, Reflexes, Nervous System] deals mostly with Exteriorities (or our Perceptions and Relations to them) while Wisdom is ‘Eso’-teric, from within (intuitive), via the Spirit.