Virgo Tarot

Greater Arcana: the Hermit

(Yod) (20th Path; 9th Key)

Intelligence of Will. Agent of the Supreme Will. The Path from Chesed to Tiphareth. The Lamp representing Konks am Pax ‘Light in Extension’ or The Word. Behind the Hermit is Cerberus, the 3-headed dog that guards the gates of hell, indicating that the Hermit has tamed the 3-headed dog.



Eight of Coins

Lord of Prudence (Sun in Virgo) Hod in Assiah, the material world. The shoemaker, the Cobbler, the Craftsman. Everything practical and pragmatic, all tools and technology, every practice and technique from the Mercurian Treasure House expressed in physical manifestation, here on our earth. Skill and Excellence in Art and Craft. Magical Phenomena at its best. An early ripening and bringing forward of things to come: finishing touches on the summer’s projects in the light of a Golden Atmosphere.


Nine of Coins

Lord of Material Gain (Venus in Virgo), Yesod in Assiah. Moon Magic manifesting in the material world. Inheritance, fully developed buds, amassing matter, gain; continuing growth and acquisition on the physical.


Ten of Coins

Lord of Wealth (Mercury in Virgo) Malkuth in Assiah. Assurance of material gain so vast as to become an embarrassment of riches. Completion; the matter thoroughly brought to conclusion for good or bad.