Jovian Archetype for Virgo

(Bardon) – “The sixth original genius is in charge of all chemical original principles, original elements, in the whole cosmic order. The magician who gets into contact with Hamaliel can get detailed information not only about the chemical elements so far known on our earth, but also about unknown elements which probably will not be discovered before the far distant future. If the magician is interested, he can also learn the relevant facts about the elements existing on all other planets of the whole cosmic hierarchy and, what is more, he can be instructed in the practical magic and Qabalistic application of the radiation of each original substance of our planetary system, in its mental, astral and even physical shape. This makes it possible for the diligent magician to become, by training, a perfect master of the original chemical elements due to the exact methods and instructions given him. He thus becomes a magical Qabalistic alchemist equipped with a kind of knowledge of which the key to practical application is known to only a few Adepts on our earth”.
(Hamaliel (8/6)(151°-180°, Virgo) Chemicals )
You will see, as you continue to read that the first three Decans on the ordinary Wheel are concerned with matter and the importance of material validation (as well as the importance of Science and Engineering in the Sign). You will also note the Metaphysics of Esoteric Chemistry. Therefore it is wise that our overview of Virgo begins with Hamaliel; Chemicals.
The Tone Ether is also known by two other names: Chemical Ether and Mathematical Ether. As the Chemical Ether, it is responsible for the conditions which make Chemistry and Mathematics (Enumeration) possible. Chemical Ether is associated with the Elemental Water and its position above Elemental Earth is what affords the Life Ether, (associated with Prithvi, or Elemental Earth) its supporting characteristics for Prithivi Tattva, as the conditions for manifestation proceed from the plane directly above and work their way down. Virgo is, of course, an Earth sign.
Let us take a minute to briefly summarize what goes on with Elemental Water and Chemical Ether. Ether, sometimes referred to as Geigenraum (Counterspace), should be thought of as Complementary to physical objectivity. As such, we would need to define the attributes of Elemental Water and then seek out their Complements.
Whereas Water seeks to join and form union with, Chemical Ether affords separation. Whereas Water flows into confluence, Chemical Ether forms joints and divergences. In this way, the Chemical Ether is responsible for all that can be Organized. It affords discretion between things, rather than blending things together. Because of this, the ability to enumerate has led to the development of a complex science of enumerations (Mathematics) represented in a large way by the modern expressions of Fractal Geometry, Cellular Automata, Complex Numbers, Network and Systems Theory (Complex Adaptive Systems). These Mathematical Sciences all deal with growth and branching.
The growth and development of our physical elements involves the history of the entire universe, beginning with Hydrogen and proceeding to the heavy metals and is exquisitely enumerated upon the periodic table of chemical elements. Unknown to the general public are other, more exotic, periodic tables that describe this chemical evolution in more esoteric terms. The Qabalist guided by Hamaliel can become an expert in these rare subjects and more, for example the Leadbeater experiments with atomic vision that revealed the esoteric shapes and relationships of the Interior of Atomic Structure, from the telepathic standpoint.
Beyond this, since nanotechnology is taking place at this scale and essentially builds from the submolecular via atomic components, the Chemical Ether will pertain to important science and engineering technology such as this. Not surprisingly, it will necessarily include bio-engineering and genetic engineering technology. All computer science will be Tone Ether dependent, as it is undergirded by data and digitalization. Biological Systems are undergoing a massive upgrade as they transition into the Quantum age and these sciences too, are now reliant upon Information Architecture communicated non-locally via the A-field (the Akasha). This means our Personal and Environmental Health, as well as our ability to engineer and manufacture materials and novel substances, are predicated on this range of Esoteric Sciences guided by Hamaliel, the Jovian Archetype of Virgo. Magic and Qabalistic Alchemy are well-suited to this and related fields of science and engineering.