Lunar Virgo


Iazeriel (Jah Zeri)

13th Mansion of the Moon (House of Longevity and Love)

(Bardon) – “the thirteenth head of the Moon sphere, is an excellent initiator into mummial magic as far it is connected with the influences of the moon. The magician, therefore, is taught by this head the relations between mummial magic and moon magic, its successful application as well as how to make use of the magnetic influence of the moon. This head will inform the magician of many magical practices, such as for instance, in what harmless way he can enter into astro-magical pacts by force of mummial magic, without the magician having to renounce himself literarily with “body and soul”. The astro-magical pacts are then carried through with a mummy, the magician thereby being able to bring about the most diverse effects by the help of a fluid condenser, without ever getting involved into the matter himself, i.e. without leaving any disadvantageous traces for his own person in the world of causes, in the Akasha. Since this head has control over some more secrets in this direction a magician is well advised not to omit him”.

One Benevolent thing that I can think of (though this may not be all there is, of course) is Quantum Jumping via an Effigy, and the like. Another is the Family Constellation Therapy technique with the Quorum of Virtual Personae. (see details below)

The 13th Lunar Chief, Emcheba, may appear as a Magical Sage, a handsome man with grey hair and beard accompanied by a beautiful blonde Angelic Woman. For those involved in relationships, he removes blundering and awkwardness and brings sexual expression into such sexless relations. His specialty also includes rendering the magus handsome, beautiful and interesting, and preserving the youthful good looks and appearance. The 13th Lunar Mansion is, after all, the House of Longevity. In the same vein, he can also help one achieve alchemical immortality. Emcheba is the Expert on Magic Effigies and karma-less Astro-Magical pacts. One way this is done is explained below for the first time in print.

He is an ancient and well-known Angelic Entity (known of old as Jah Zeri El), affiliated with Ah-oh (Osiris-Thoth) and Khons (Chronicler of Celestial Time (Kronos in Greek)). His benevolences include Therapeutic Healing, and he is considered a Superveniator over all evil beings. His wide repertoire of Magical Specialties include being the distinguished Master Egyptologist of the Lunar Sphere and expert on archaic languages still spoken by deities. His Lunar Science resume shows him to be the authority on Magic Mummification related to preservation of the Timelines and relevant Parallels (more so than the Individual Self). (cf. ‘cold light of Saturn’ vs. the yellow warmth of the Sun). This has afforded us a prestigious window into the transdimensional Science of Quantum bio-engineering.

Parallel or Virtual Effigies of your extended transdimensional timeline can be employed in an orderly and deliberate manner whereby reconstructive bio-engineering is accomplished through reconstituted virtual timelines (parallel worlds).

The idea of parallel realities has been timidly explored in literature and film, but has been a practical reality in Lunar Science for many centuries. As physical technology and inventions are allowed to advance, these worlds are now becoming a reality which mainstream humans can explore. This new branch of lunar science is called Reconstructive Bio-Engineering via Reconstituted Parallel Timelines. It is still a very advanced field, but one that could be the key to unlocking our application of quantum mechanics, and even helping with universal ascension.

The new life, the new body and the new world are no longer a dream. We have been doing this for a long time – we are creatively generating parallel worlds, alternate timelines which we can travel to and rely upon for enhanced reinforcement and emendation of our own 3D experiences.

There is a way to create another timeline that is so realistic that it can be indistinguishable from consensus reality. We can create already, your perfect self in this alternate timeline and then when you wake up in reality, you are already living your perfect life. This is exactly what reconstructive bio-engineering is about: recreating yourself not in your previous limitations but in your highest ideal perspectives.

Reconstructive bio-engineering is a multi-disciplinary branch of bioengineering, which seeks to retrieve information from parallel timelines to reconstruct and analyze the timelines. It could be used in the future to reconstruct old events in new and improved ways. It can also be applied to the past to sculpt any desired outcome for the betterment of present experience. And most impressively, it can be applied simultaneously from the supercausal to engender cosmic genius in the efforts of magical world-building.

Consider the contributions of a phalanx of transdimensional parallel geniuses, collectively building out their supercausal multiverse in utopian supersymmetry. Transdimensional colonization of the implicate order would greatly accelerate the unfolding of curled spacetimes in the explicate braneworlds of fractalized materiality. Human advancement would proceed toward entirely new and exciting horizons from highly advanced and transcendental perspectives, vastly outpacing our crude trial and error blunderings that typify the present conditions.

This new field offers a multitude of theoretical possibilities, some more difficult than others. For example, the reconstruction of parallel timelines via information architecture has already been achieved with the help of AI and algorithms located in the massive bio-computer of the hollow Moon. The Lunar Agartha operates in the Etheric via correspondence (Quantum Entanglement) with the hollow Earth (Agartha). Physical effects in 3D emerge from the Etheric Interior, budding and branching in plant-like fractal growth patterns. These Etheric Fractals are harmonically resonant with bio-engineered parallel DNA, a type of genealogical timeline in the 4th Dimension and above.

Modeling with the help of Neural Networks has enabled the reconstruction of vast resources of interpersonal Karmic Trees, which can be acted upon or even reconstituted by entangled effigies, substituting for the virtual branch in question, without adversely affecting any previous karmic benevolence whilst positively transforming karmic instabilities, such as health and medical issues caused by past exposures or genetic inheritance. Psycho-emotional issues due to trauma and abuse can also be positively addressed without causing drastic personality change or adverse dislocations of memory coherence.

Interpersonal Karmic Trees, in the sense of Virtual Selves, means ‘all the related branches of one Individual’s parallel networks taken as a psychically-coherent transdimensional entity’. In the natural world, these parallel Trees are virtually infinite in scope and magnitude but the virtual boundaries become an issue when mind-uploading and personality migration are taken into consideration. In such cases, artificial limits are imposed due to technological pragmatics. Even so, Virtual Tree addons and extension may be uploaded at a later time, according to preference and need.

In the past, gifted people performed activities that most of us would consider impossible. These people were considered to have siddhis. Siddhis can be attained through ‘activation’, which is a process of bringing this dormant power to life by releasing it from its deep inner slumber. The activation of the latent potentialities of man and woman is the essence of Magic and Yoga. The ultimate aim of Magic Yoga is to liberate us from material constraints. The combination of these assertions affords us expanded experiential expression as a transdimensional psychic agent. In light of this, it would be tempting to think that these forms are just manifestations of a deeper interior process at work. And while they are not constrained to physical manifestations solely, they offer a means for us to understand both ourselves and our potential more clearly and a more exalted perception of our transdimensional environment as interactive correspondents.

In the panpsychic connectome of parallel Lunar Science, the powers that our virtual selves all have are activated through various methods and techniques via virtual doppelgängers, in order to achieve ‘collective actualization’ of our transubjective multiplicity.

The Parallel Selves, alternate timelines, and the Virtual Effigies are not just a figment of our imagination. These are all concepts that have been discussed in Lunar Science for centuries.

A Parallel Self is an alter ego in a parallel universe who shares quantum-entangled information coherence, transdimensional ontologies, supercausal genealogies, and virtual holographic analogs with the original person. The Virtual Effigy is a holographic representation of oneself or another individual which functions as an avatar for interacting with another person’s psychic presence or informationally-coherent intelligence. The Holographic Doppelganger refers to a reproduction of oneself that can be projected into an environmental context as an agent of recognition or ecological transpondant.

In opening up these broad new horizons, it is hoped that we might begin to discover the expanse of our quantum projections with respect to the esoteric adage: ‘light in extension’, in consideration of the many worlds interpretation.


Ergediel: 14th Lunar Mansion (House of Initiation)

Located in the Astral Region

(Bardon) – “the fourteenth head of the Moon sphere, can be of great value to the magician inasmuch as he can reveal to him the secrets of creating within himself, without difficulties, the most diverse occult and magical faculties by the help of moon magic, which later may possibly be also applied in the other spheres. The magician is, at the same time, taught the polarization of powers; furthermore, how to bring about, in a certain way, the levitation of himself and of other people, or even of other objects, by force of Qabalistic moon magic, by change of polarity of gravity. The magician also learns how to acquire the faculty of interpreting symbols that he sees in the Moon sphere by force of clairvoyance. Ezhobar teaches the magician to comprehend the laws of the Moon sphere from the magical Qabalistic point of view and how to control them practically. Ezhobar is therefore rightly called a marvelous initiator into Qabalistic moon-magic”.

Ezhobar is a favored associate of Archangel Gabriel, and Guardian of all Lunar Portals. He is able to surmise and Complete missing attributes thus affording astonishing success in Moon Magic. Lunar Practices become easier, more efficient with achievements happening where previously only failures were experienced. Dive deeply into the subconscious with Dream Magic (sleeping with Ezhobar’s sign under the pillow). Drive away nightmares and fear, replacing them with positive influences from the Moon while you sleep.

He is a Master of fantasy, Imagination, and illusion, affording generative creativity in the Astral Realm, which is fully as real as the 3D physical yet more mutable and easier to transform so long as the Magus retains her will. Losing control of the Will results in loss of control over the Astral, whereby the subject becomes a plaything and the sport of its natives. The Astral is rich with symbolism, metaphor, euphemisms, allegory, and the like, and Astral Illusions are discerned from Astral Reality by virtue of these and the discretion afforded by Magical Authority.

Creative Imagination is Humanity’s Treasurebox and Etheric Heritage, and the Magus is well-aspected to open these treasures and experience the fullness of the wealth therein with Ezhobar’s excellent help.

The Astral denizens are varied and many. Those from the higher vibrations (Guides, Angels, Masters, etc) will recognize you for your resonant benevolence but those from random domains will experience you as similar to themselves, approaching you with inappropriate correspondences. This can be disturbing at first, even generally off-putting until you learn that you may simply decline their disharmonious resonance, whereupon they will continue upon their merry way, leaving you alone and unharmed. Becoming frightened will draw them to you and a pugilistic attitude will sink you into tenacious embattled opposition. Savoir Faire; keep your cool and decline their sincere but inappropriate offerings and everything will be just fine. The easiest way to be ignored is to tell people that you are a mortal human and you will be dismissed as a lightweight touron with zero street-cred.

The overwhelming secret to operating in this realm is to never try too hard; relax and let it flow naturally, but never try to do something. Things happen easily if you’ll just allow them to.

In folk magic, it has long been said that if you walk toward the horizon when the full moon is rising, you will come to a spot where the fields align just right, resulting in an X-factor of gravitational counter-balancing. Here the pull of the Earth is cancelled by the Beauty of the Full Moon and you will rise into the heavens and can easily be transported to the Lunar Surface where you are able to cavort with all the beings who live there. A Lunar Portal results from Gravitational Lensing at the X-factor.

There are multiple theories and hypotheses that propose a form of future physics where the hypothetical time-reversed variant applies; including theories about phantom objects, quantum anti-matter, and interactions with special relativity that would create observable effects in reverse of our local geology. Such phenomena are thought to be present in tiny curled dimensions known as brane-worlds, coexisting alongside our normal 3D.

Using theory influenced by General Relativity, we apply a rule which stipulates that properties change depending on how acceleration is measured or defined as it changes perspectives based on frame symmetry, while still obeying boundary conditions postulated within a Local Geometry. Using super-symmetrical models of anti-particles, we discover new physical properties in which objects at rest must be traveling at infinite speeds and slowing down makes them tired (tachyon). Another virtual particle is the graviton, which in super-relative frameworks assumes a reverse polarity and repels objects with more mass, rather than attracting them. Such concepts are de rigueur for Qabalistic thinkers, as polarity is a main concept in Hermetic Science.

In Relativistic models, gravity is due to the curvature of space. Reverse Gravity is entirely grounded in a supposition that the spacetime surface is compressed and flattened (pancaked) onto the interior of inverted brane-worlds, rendering them parabolic reflectors. Under such conditions, matter bounces off of planetary surfaces and goes skittering wildly across empty space, which slows it to a stop. In these worlds, nothing has more gravity than something. Experiences such as these are frequent in the Astral world, where symbolism and Hermetics determine the laws of astro-physical properties.

Iesod is the ‘hara’ of the Etheric Body and as such a repository of knowledge about the workings of Etheric Properties. One of the main Etheric Laws is that it acts as a kind of counter-spatial intelligence, known as Geigenraum. It can sometimes be thought of as the complex domain of mathematics constituted by the imaginary numbers, which are the realm of undefinables and their interaction with regular stuff. This bi-phasic nature of the Lunar Ether affords the Magus levitational faculties when moving from Malkuth to Iesod and propulsive acceleration when traveling transdimensionally to other Planes. You can think of it as similar to the famous ‘slingshot’ move often referred to in star-trek and other sci-fi adventures. Ezhobar is keeper of these and many other Moon Magic techniques, as well as the Science behind them.