Lunar Mansions for Magical Leo
The Leonine Lunar Chiefs include among them the last part of Emnymar (mesmerism, therapeutic hypnotism, cure VD), which was covered in the zodiacal sign of Crabba.
(11th Mansion)- (Bardon): “The eleventh head of the Moon sphere makes it possible for the magician to gain, by magical methods, the respect of people, no matter of what rank they may be. Besides that, he teaches the magician to bring about phenomena which would make a non-initiate tremble with dread and horror. Although it is not easy to get into direct contact with this head, the magician who has reached a good degree of magical development will succeed in it, if necessary, under the guidance of a head of the zone girdling the earth, or of his own Guru. The magician will then be able to convince himself that this head is an excellent initiator into phenomenal moon magic”.
Gain respect of anybody
Bring about dreadful horrors
Excellent initiator into phenomenal moon magic
The Sun Signs constitute what we know as the Astrological Zodiac, while the lesser known and often misunderstood Lunar Mansions, constitute a separate and Magical subcognitive study that is in effect a mini-zodiac for daily processes and mundane considerations (called ‘electives’).
The 11th house is traditionally associated with Neciel’s department. Neciel is also known as the little knight. This little knight is the homunculus inside our psychodynamic connectome and it is he who must do battle with the Dragon of Chaos for the Individuated Supremacy of Cosmic Order, which affords us psychological coherence for healthy integration of the Self. Both Picatrix and Al-Bruni show a night doing battle with a dragon on the sigil for this House. In all ways, our Dignity and Self Respect (alongside our positive regard within the community) are predicated upon our coherent dependability as an Integrated Self. Incoherence is looked upon as a Character defect, as is being considered undependable.
This close association with the Dragon of Chaos is the Key to the Mansion, as it is chaos upon which we depend and with which we contend. Chaos is a powerful force and grows quickly disruptive. The use of dragons in warfare is due to their powerful destructive capabilities, the appearance of a single dragon often deciding the balance in a hard fought contest between sides (systems).
A raging battle is symbolic of disrupted systems seeking new nuclei (strange attractors) as the balance sways between two competing gravitational centers. The disruptive force of chaos can send the older system past the tipping point of integrity, causing its disintegration and shattering its coherent stability, affording the new system the spoils of all that was within the influence of the former system.
The same holds true for personalities and mental health. Integration of the Shadow in Jungian Individuation will ultimately depend upon confrontation of the twin spectres of Thanatos and disintegration. It is these that we fear the most, haunting our footsteps the whole of our journey. Coming to terms with it is the only way to true and lasting dignity, the only route to real and lasting Peace.
Necol (Neciel) in her role of Kali Durga, Black and sinister, blood of her victims dripping from her teeth and claws, presents a most excellent image of the savage power of Nature amid the ravages of unmitigated chaos. Agrippa, Bruno and Picatrix all employ the talismanic image of a man riding a Lion to communicate the message that this Dragon of Chaos is the actual source of Power for any Dragon Rider. The 11th House grabs the Lion by it mane and the 12 House grabs the Lion by its tail. You decide which is the wiser: the 12th Genius deals with Marriage.
The studious Qabalist will immediately recall that the axis of hell, from which emerges the Beast and the swarming demons of the pit of pestilence, beneath which churns the boiling waters of Tiamat, corresponds to the Stellar Influence of Kochab (17th Solar Genius, Leo) and that the sprawling Dragon (the Constellation Draco) keeps the Cynosure and the Universal Axis of Truth eternally separated in the Battle of Evermore, lest they converge and form an alliance of Light.
Fortunately for Necol (the Lady holding the Lion’s Mouth in the Tarot card ‘Strength’), the Bright Star, Merak, has unusual powers over the toxic metals of Nature’s unrefined Alchemy, able to tame the beast and calm the animals of Nature’s most savage creatures: venom into antivenom. And it was Kali Durga, her ownself, who was singularly responsible for subduing the Asuras in their war against the Gods. For the Dragon Whisperer, the Power of Chaos is truly our best ally.
Lack of Mastery and unskilled use of the Dragon Lineage is the road to perpetual misery and self destruction however and should not become a trivial plaything of the immature. Most people will shrink in horror at the terrible Magic which emerges unhindered from the cauldron of the 11th Lunar Chief. Her station is adjacent to the Sun, our Planetary System’s most powerful nuclear furnace and the utter powerlessness and general inability to stem the onrush of horrifying manifestations from this source of innate destruction leads to quick and surefire psychotic destabilization from which there is little hope of return. It is the Black Hole of psychological therapeutics.
For the experienced Dragon Whisperer, the 11th House is the Key to Phenomenal Magic and Magical manifestation in the physical world. Magic goes beyond the rational matrix which so tightly resists any change to the status quo. That is why it is almost universally banned in all the Institutional Hierarchies of Socio-Political Orthodoxy, representing a threat, as it were, to the perpetuation of command-and-control leverage and the exploitation of human labor at the expense of independence and free-will in grass-roots, bottom-up emergence characterized by Living Systems and Network Holarchies.
Quite a lot needs to be shared regarding the Magic Pythagoreanism of the Number 9. Four is a stable number but Three is inherently Dynamic and leads to a Creative Generation that is unsurpassed from the Supernal perspective. Nine is, of course, 3 Threes. This gives it a most infinite fractal dynamic of unlimited generativity, responsible in part for its great proclivity to unrestricted chaos. The seal of 3 nines upon the forehead is the mark of the Beast, but 9 is very apropos to the tireless fertility of Nature’s uninhibited fecundation here in the tightly restrictive matrix of 3 dimensional physicality. Uninhibited fecundation powered by the Zero Point Energy Field is the perfect recipe for constant pregnancy and covering the bare rocks of geology with oozing carbon-based organics, so hungry for living that they will eat the very rocks themselves.
In light of this insatiable hunger and disorganized profligacy emerges the ancient and unstable system of unrefined personality types, which we know by the name ‘enneagram’. This too is largely a system of beelzebub, as is easily seen by even a superficial study of its negative stereotypes. Not that this is inappropriate considering the field in which it operates: the lower regions of Nature’s generative thrust. Alongside the Shadow and phobias of entropic annihilation. The manifesting Power of phenomenal Projections inherent in these subcognitive systems of densified carnalities is astonishing and credit must be given to those courageous enough to look the matter squarely in the face. Lady Strength controls the Lion’s Mouth. Necole holds on to the mane and rides the lion from on top. But the 12th House grabs the Lion by the tail. Following the 11th House of Dignity and Respect will be the 12 House of Peace and Love.
12th Lunar Mansion – (Bardon): “Emkebpe is the name of the twelfth head of the Moon sphere, who is a great lover of peace and happiness in marriage and wherever good luck, love and sympathy are involved. He makes the magician aware of the transmuting power of real love. Emkebpe reveals to the magician the relevant methods for the production of love-amulets which can be charged by moon magic”.
Lord knows, marriage can be tough enough as it is. Fortunately there is help in the persona of the Moon’s greatest sponsor of happy marriages and good relationships. While there are a lot of Love spells and amulets for attracting partners available in Moon Magic, this Chief prefers to specialize in long-term, committed, monogamous relationships and the deep intimacies which these afford.
This specialist will help in finding and developing common ground and shared interests, mutual growth via of both togetherness and independence, nurture and supportiveness, a sense of shared values and commitment, and ways to keep the relationship fresh, interesting, entertaining, and a source of continued growth happiness, renewal and trust.
Good relationships are the ones worth pursuing, appreciating in value as the years go by. All good relationships are built on a solid foundation of Trust. The cornerstone of Trust is good communications. Without this cornerstone, resentful feelings will fill in the silence where open communications ought to be. Not that we have to chatter all the time and fill in the awkwardness with pablum and banalities. But grown-ups in a strong relationship should embrace open communication and not shy away from adult discussions.
It takes great courage to reach out and grab the Lion by its tail. But the results of a long and happy life of committed relationship are well worth it.
One last word about Marriage. When we are talking Marriage, we are dealing with Castor and Pollux, the Gemini Twins: one was Divine and the other was mortal. Everything in this Universe relates to everything else and so All is Relationship. In all ways, our humanity is predicated upon our Relationship to the Spirit. As Metaphysical Transdimensionalists, we cannot afford to adulterate this Spiritual Relationship. Be careful what you are Married to. Grabbing the wrong Lion by the tail can be deadly.