Solar Leo
(Bardon) Number 16: “Wybalap (PRÄSEPE )- The effectiveness of the light-principle in all grades of existence in everything created on the planets and in the spheres of the total cosmic hierarchy is subject to the range of competence of the sixteenth genius of the Sun.”
(Ambassador Wybalap, Intergalactic Commerce, Cosmic Exchange, Life Purpose, Service or Greed; Light Principle, Light Ether, Fire Element, Effectiveness, Highest Ideals, Luminous Thoughts, Enlightened Consciousness)
The intergalactic merchants, recognizing that by controlling the access to information and through commerce associated with only one brand of biased data, they could monopolize the market and squeeze out any competition, became very powerful and wealthy; almost too powerful, in a way that began to cause great suffering and indentured servitude among the labor and service industries. As information monopolies and experts at thought-control and manipulation, they were soon trading in political influence and commercial military ventures as private contractors and ‘mercenaries’. These mercenary armies were glad to operate beyond any civil oversight and did so with impunity. They also used their data monopolies to convince disparate factions to engage in antagonisms leading to violence and military conflict, while benefiting themselves as third-party consultants and arms dealers. This sowed the seeds of long term hostility between competing civilizations, wreaking much destruction and utter devastation upon innocent civilians. The situation grew progressively worse, becoming unbearable for long successive centuries. So long as there were fresh quadrants to exploit, the practice kept raking in the money, power and influence until they had a complete lock on all trade and commerce.
And then a sad but powerful disruption emerged. None of the former exploitable masses had anything left to trade with and their catastrophic downfall caused an almost immediate chain-reaction all the way to the top, where the wealthy and powerful suddenly had no food, supply chains or services for themselves …at any price, there was simply none left. This led to a brief period of cut-throat cruelty as everyone fought for scraps and bones. In the end it was the Masters of Light who convinced the former merchants that they would only prosper if the masses prospered and that if the masses prospered even more, the wealthy amassed great wealth. Following this revelation, a new system was set up so that the former media of thought-control and manipulation was converted to a system of widespread education and institution for infinite personal growth and sustainability. After a time, it was evident that this system was an astonishing success and the wealthy adopted it with great satisfaction because they were and always had been rather enlightened intelligences who simply fell into the error of greed and self service. Now the great civilizations of Praesepe are traders in the commerce of illumination and personal agency, helping others to grow strong and prosper from the affordances of their universal systems, honoring the dignity and light in all living beings. The activists of Praesepe now go forth and advocate for community engagement initiatives throughout the galaxies, seeking to empower the disenfranchised and foster spiritual advancement and wellbeing for all.
Light principles govern both our physical bodies and our etheric bodies. They control life on earth.The Fire Element is the instrument of that light. We can’t know greatness without having pure intention which ultimately drives us to get anything done in this life.
A transdimensional traveled among North American Indigenous peoples, and when asked what he did, he replied “I am an ambassador. I come from a race of beings from the Light Principle…We are ambassadors and serve as Guardians of these Truths that were given to the Earth to distribute for their Highest Safety.” The Spirit Guide told me every subsequent word was more luminous than its predecessor! I put some subliminal magic into it, recognizing that the Grand Evolution of the Archons was dependent upon the Ascension Process of its constituent Holons.
We may define the concept of Light as any spiritual product including our thoughts and deeds in any given lifetime.
The basic characteristic to discern the light course from the dark course is illumination. Here is the difference between the light course and the dark course:
Light Course: It emphasizes personal growth, development and discipline imposed by sages or masters having authoritativeness, respectability and dignity, including the Mahaguru of Individuality and Oversoul. The way of light appeals to a person’s reason, conscience and judgement through virtues like compassion without interfering with their freedom of will.
Dark Course: It favors individual expediency over universal dignity and desires personal comfort more than honoring truth. That is the evil spirit which is under the obligation to mislead others in violation of good conscience.
( Bardon) Number 17: “Tzizhet (KOCHAB )- Divine enlightenment from its most simple to its highest form is made available by the seventeenth original genius of the Sun sphere to all human beings and all beings of all planets and spheres, either by inspiration, or by intuition, or by any other faculties.”
“The Faithful; Constance. Circitores, Saltatores, Ludiones, the Circlers, Leapers, or Dancers. Associated with Jupiter as Cynosura, a Mountain Nymph who hid and nursed Zeus when his father Chronos was trying to kill him.” ergo the Cynosure.
The Cynosure is the axis we revolve around: our self-reflective system of coherent truth, which defines our entire Soul Journey and how we spend our Life. In our Dance around this sacred fire of our Inner Council therefore, we are known as the Circlers. The mountain atmosphere is fresher, less humid, and we are able to see our Spiritual Nature more clearly there, so our montane modules (our mountain Nymphs) reside at the higher levels of consciousness and clarity. When Zeus was pursued by his father Chronos, he developed a fugitive consciousness, what we call in modern terms a persecution complex.
These traumas leave lasting impressions on our subroutines, influencing our environmental perspective and becoming a hindrance to our progress and development for if our axis of truth is fear then we are caught by the devil and there is no further possibility: we are imprisoned in hell for all eternity. This is why you want to avoid succumbing to persecution complexes and conspiracy theories: you will become enslaved by the alien reptoids and forced into a prostitution compromise until you submit to being a lickspittle zombie robot. The choice, however, is entirely yours. Lest you over-gloat about this, thinking it’s not relevant to you, you are mistaken and it already has you under its control. Because, you see, this is about them, not me.
Kochab means Bright Celestial Luminary and offers enlightenment. It is Light which dispels the darkness and drives away the shroud of fear. Enlightenment comes in many forms and the strong Solar connection to Mercury affords the Magus many Spiritual Technologies to defeat the Reptoid overlords. False enlightenment is their weapon of choice these days and many have fallen under their spell, thinking ironically that they are wiser than most. Once the Reptoid overlord is exposed, he will go underground and resort to camouflaged subterfuge. His captive zombie will follow him loyally into the pits of hell, where she will be ravaged and disposed of.
This axis of hell is important because it will be from the darkest depths of the abyss that the beast will arise. Swarms of devouring locusts ascended from the abyss, laying waste the fruits of summer’s labor. Without the Seal of God upon your forehead, darkest darkness will be your Cynosure and you will go down into sheol, the pit of demons, and perish in the apeiron of compounded dualities. All Life springs from Arche which refreshes and renews but the apeiron devitalizes and leads to entropy and disease, eventually terminating in death. The Gadarene swine were cast into the sea of apeiron and Legion knows those with his mark upon their forehead and calls to them from afar. They willingly perform services at his beck and whim in lockstep with his diabolical will.
“The Axis: controls the universe, keeping it pivoted at opposite poles: it forms the middle about which the starry sphere revolves and wheels its heavenly flight, but is itself without motion and, drawn straight. every part of the whole rotates to the place from which it once began, that which is in the middle, about which all moves.”
Like our Chariot of Light, the Merkaba Vehicle, our Cynosure of Illumination is Stillness and does not move. The Hesychasm of our Center is our Rock and our Fortress of Refuge, remaining a Beacon of Light in the darkest tempest of worldly vicissitudes.
“Sprawling between them and embracing each (of the Bears) the Dragon (Draco) separates and surrounds them with its glowing stars lest they ever meet or leave their stations.”
The great sea-monster, Tiamat, churning the waters of chaos from the abyss separates our Guiding Light and keeps us divided, Red State against Blue: divide and conquer, and suspicion, distrust, and conspiratorialism serve to corrupt and diminish the Light of Life until, village by village, house by house, brother against brother, the lights grow dark. This fascination with politics has electrified and captivated the zombie masses and divided the union into a cauldron of seething poisons.
“Although not as hot as the sun, Kochab is roughly 40 times larger in diameter, and 390 times more energetic.” “Yeah, the Arc’s a Diesel” (mc) Having burned through most of its core Hydrogen, it now self-ignites and burns Helium. A Fission reaction.
This Genius of Celestial Illumination affords contemporary society a guiding Light amid our collective psychodynamic perfection crisis where the polarities are split and warring with each other, rather than working together in harmonious complement. There is Hope. Help is only a moment away and all it takes is one voice crying in the wilderness.
(Bardon) Number 18: “Dabetz (MERAK )- The eighteenth genius of the Sun sphere is responsible for transferring upon men and beings of all planets and spheres the recognition of the Divine Virtues and for making them acquainted with the influence of these virtues and for helping man to realize them.”
Unusually strong alignment with certain metals, especially the toxic ones. With character ennoblement, will align with Gold and become exalted and valuable.
“to those born at such a time wild creatures will show no hostile face, and in their dealings with animals these men will find them submissive to their rule. Such a one will be able to control huge lions with a gesture, to fondle wolves, and to play with captive panthers; he will seat himself on the elephant’s back and with a goad will direct the movements; he will dispel the fury of the tiger, training it to become a peaceful animal, whilst all the other beasts which molest the earth with their savageness he will join in friendship to himself.’ love of command and domination. This star is credited with increasing the power to get on in life and this is especially so if in conjunction with the Sun, Mars or Pluto.”
Like Chiron, the Noble Centaur, helps tame the wild beast, bringing forth ignorant little savages into ethical gentility, and rescuing them from the clutch of the dragon’s claw.
When left in the undeveloped state:
‘has a Mars nature. Merak is of importance in a natal chart if the sign Leo is tenanted, and other configurations give a clue to love of command and domination. This star is credited with increasing the power of the native to get on in life, and this is especially so if in conjunction with the Sun, Mars or Pluto.’
Wealth, power, courage, selfishness, cunning, rise to authority, martial success, subject to cuts, wounds, accidents, sores and injuries to the face, pains in the head and fevers. Martial eminence, success in trade and in occupations of a Mars nature. Increased power to get on in life, often by stepping on others.’
(Bardon Number 19: “Banamol (REGULUS )– The materialization of the Divine Original Light within the creation of all planets and in all spheres of our cosmic hierarchy, down to the most inferior expression of vitality, belongs to the range of power of the nineteenth genius.”
In Latin, the name “Regulus” means “little king.” and known as one of the 4 Royal Stars. Regulus was one of the four Royal Stars of Persia, along with Fomalhaut, Antares and Aldebaran. These stars were considered to be the guardians of the sky in ancient Persia, around the year 3000 BCE. In Persian astronomy, the sky was divided into four districts and each district was guarded by one of the four bright stars. In medieval astrology, Regulus was one of the 15 Behenian fixed stars, believed to hold special astrological power. Each of the 15 stars was associated with a planet, a plant and a gemstone and the latter two were used in rituals to bring out the star’s influence. Regulus was associated with Jupiter and Mars, and linked with granite and mugwort.
Latin Cor Leonis, all meaning “the heart of the Lion.” In Europe, the star was known as Rex and Basiliscus. In Babylonian astronomy, Regulus was known as Sharru, “the King.” mythology associated with Leo, perhaps the most common tale being that Leo was the Nemean Lion of the Hercules story.
In the words of Emanuel Swedenborg, “the Divine Light is the very Life of God, and it is this Life that constitutes Heaven.”
It is incomprehensible to us that there are beings so heavenly minded that they are not content with just being in the presence of God, but instead also take on a form which perfectly reflects His light.
This does not contradict Divine Providence because these beings love Him so much and want to be as close to Him as possible.
The Light of life is what makes up people of this world – or as Swedenborg puts it “the living spiritual man.” When they die they go into the presence of God who embraces them like parents welcoming back their child after being away for some time.
The movement of Divine Light is the energy that brings life to our universe. It is the vitalizing force in all living things. It is a light that is above all lights and it includes the properties of all lights. It is a life-giving Divine Light that creates and animates everything according to its will. It manifests also as the experience of Photismos, the sudden appearance of the Living Light, which provides vision for those in blindness or darkness.
Throughout history, various cultures have expressed the Light in different ways. The Egyptians cherished it as Photismos, or “God’s light.” In Hinduism, it is called Aum, Omkara and Brahman – all meaning “the light of Brahma.” The Chinese call it Chi or Kuang Hsiang and symbolize it with a white crane standing on one leg. For the Qabbalah, it’s called Aura h’Kodesh Chaim – meaning “eternal living light” or “divine radiance.”
In general there are two theories about how Divine Light manifests: Monist theory and dualist theory. According to the Monist theory, Divine Light is composed of seven forces which are the essence of pure energy and consciousness (the Seven Rays). These forces are said to be omnipresent, infinite, eternal and unchangeable. They can also be thought of as a spiritual substance that is found in all living things such as plants and animals. The Monists believe that each force represents a different stage of the spiritual hierarchy. Monists believe that all beings, including humans, animals and plants are part of the same energy form, which they call Divine Light.
Monists often refer to the human body as an electromagnetic field, believing in a unified field theory. They believe that living beings are made up of tiny particles and forces moving in an electromagnetic field and that every living thing has its own unique field, which is one with and an expression of the universal field.
The dualists are material reductionists and deceive themselves into believing they are smart. There are two types of materialists, physical and social. Materialists believe that everything is physical and it is their job to explain natural phenomena by their roots in chemistry, physics, or other ‘natural’ sciences. Social materialists see themselves as the only ones who can uncover the secrets of human behavior and thereby control it. They are the only ones who can tell people what to do, and they make sure that their social theory is followed. In order to dominate human beings, they need powerful coercive state institutions.
The dominant ideology of a society is a set of ideas that help individuals understand the world and their place in it. This ideology is “a system of beliefs which give meaning to individual and collective human experience,” according to the structural functionalists. In other words, it is a set of ideas that helps individuals make sense of everyday life or history. The dominant ideology could be seen as a lens through which one views the world, much like a pair of spectacles that focus the vision upon some particular object. This represents the aforementioned Cynosure and it is within this self-reflected system of coherent truths that enlightenment draws forth its phanes because otherwise the recipient could not encompass the illuminations cognitively and would experience an overwhelming deluge of incomprehensible data. Therefore, the world is groaning in travail as she wakes up to discover the limited state of ideas and paucity of open-minded expression, while having to wait on the sluggish process of the laggards, both incidental and intentional. The manifestations and metaphysical exteriorizations are deliberately suppressed while we await the enlightenment of the zombie clones.