Cytherean Leo
(Bardon): “31) Iseh, 32) Isodeh, 33) Idmuh, 34) Irumiah 35) Idea, 36) Idovi, 37) Isill, 38) Ismee. This group of eight intelligences teach the magician to cause friendship, love, sympathy, in all spheres and planes by force of magic and Qabalah, applying, for this purpose, apt rituals, ceremonies and gestures.”
The 8 Cytherean Intelligences of Love, Friendship and Sympathy
Each of the 8 Cytherean intelligences is a distinct type of love that is essential to human life. These are defined as follows:
Affection: Love which includes fondness, appreciation, and warmth.
Affectionate Love: The type of love that many people seek in relationships, but it is not necessarily romantic.
Ambition: Love which includes a desire for achievement, status or power.
Brotherly love: Also known as “friendly” or “social” love; this form of love typically involves caring deeply for friends and other family members.
Eros: Sexual passion and attraction.
Familial/descended/natural affection: Affection based on blood ties such as familial bonds between parents and children or grandparents and grandchildren.
Friendship : A sentiment that is usually strong and meaningful, in which feelings of closeness, trust, affection and mutual respect are common.
Affinity: a natural attraction based on inherent abilities, talents, or personality type which favors the easy acquisition of learning and skills.
These 8 intelligences each have a different goal, as well. For instance, the love intelligence is concerned with bonding and intimacy, while the friendship intelligence focuses on mutual support and trust, but should be viewed as one complex adaptive network of wholeness.
The Cytherean intelligences of Love, Friendship and Sympathy are related to the feelings of emotional pleasure and discomfort. When we do things that please someone else or cause someone pain, our own mirror neurons experience a sympathetic response – this is because we are tribal hominids and want what’s best for others in the group sense. The Cytherean intelligences are expressions of Jovian social intelligence in its practical manifestations.
The Cytherean intelligences of Love, Friendship, and Sympathy have been applied to the planetary bodies, the zodiacal signs, and their corresponding elements. Her intelligence also manifests through Jupiter’s influence on Society and Domains. It likewise rules any situation or condition in which we seek to create or maintain a deep sense of devotion. This includes deep friendship. The Love Intelligence also applies to any situation or condition where we seek to create or maintain a deep sense of sympathy for another person’s concerns-whether this person be a friend, family member.
They have a stronger meaning when understood as a part of a larger, living, universal dance:
Sympathy: parallel susceptibility or a mutual condition brought about by unity or harmony in action.
Electrification: The process of linking conscious experience via a common current of fascination.
Fascination: attractive capture of interest; to occupy the attention completely, fully displacing other considerations.
The Cytherean Ceremonialists are the Magical Masters of Ceremony and Qabalah who apply Magic Gestures during Magic Rituals. These unusual and flowing dance-like movements are intensely liberating, expressive, and highly effective. The Cythereans have a more intense empathy with one another than other Magical Masters have and conduct their Ceremony in pods: groups of seven or eight members. They are also excellent at communicating their feelings and emotions to others. That is why they are often chosen as friends for people who need an understanding guide or empath. The Cythereans represent the joyous side of Venusian force as opposed to its ugliness.
Electronic sympathy is a modern-day kinship, where the electric and kinetic realities of movement are experienced by the mirrors of one another. When muscles contract and release, they create subtle soundwaves that are captured and altered by electric impulses, transmitted through electronic analogs in the light and chemical ethers. (The chemical Ether is also called the Tone Ether.)
Dance is a participatory drama full of empathy and enchantment, where the audience is kinesthetically connected to the performer’s breath, gesture, emotion and movement. Dancing is socially coherent. In every terpsichorean context there are the leaders and influencers and the fans, who express their sympathetic fascinations via kinesthetic mirroring. This electrochemical choreography is one type of sympathetic Magic, others being found in the interplay of dappled shadows flickering in the breeze or scintillating coins of golden sunlight splashing across the wavetops.
Our bodies are electric and filled with light. We are a continuous, ever-changing fractal of the larger universe. All living things emerge from the same primordial soup, which is made of electricity and light (experience and information). Our body is an electro-photonic being, translated into physical form by the miracle of life. With this awareness we become united with our kin in the chemistry (tones, or music) of dance and song.
Electronic sympathy runs through all that is natural, human, and divine. Electrification has been enchanting our world for more than 400 centuries now, seeking to make us whole again. In order to understand what electrification is doing to us, we have to understand what it means to be unified. One of the less-well-known aspects of electricity is its ability to create coherence. As we have seen, when a current is introduced into a substance, it sets off an electrochemical reaction that distributes itself throughout the entire mass. This means that if you introduce enough electricity into one part of a substance, it will be distributed everywhere else in the substance in that area. This is because the One Electron is Present everywhere. This can be employed for Magic effect by the loading of one part (the hands for instance, or the eyes) and letting the charge dissipate into the intended system. This is a safe way to ‘trickle-charge’ the body’s electrochemical battery without overheating or burning up any circuits.