Sun Magic
“I will meet you halfway” (mc)
“Most people find it hard to remain in the Solar Sphere”
The Sun is the central Powerhouse, the furnace for the entire Solar System. If you want to power up your earth (with manifestations) you must power up your Venus and Mercury and the Light of your Moon. Only the Sun Can do this. And with Power to spare. The Solar Magic is all about Empowerment.
Balance: the Mogen David; The Sun maintains the balance between the Planets above the Diaphragm and the Planets below the Diaphragm (see Solar Alchemy; metallics).
Pranayama: “which is really about the collection of Power”.
The Dynamic Equilibrium of the Solar Balance is aided greatly by the Large Planets (Saturn and Jupiter) who are thought to be former Stars and Stars that did not ignite.
Mikael. Melekim. Kings; Kingships. The Soul. Jivatman. Jungian Psychodynamics: Sun and Shadow (Wind and Rain). Growth. Beauty. Cognition.
Steiner Mythos: Old Sun. Atmosphere, Light, Space, Duality, likely Complement (Unity). Holarchy, Holistic, Hologram.
Sixth Dimensional (the first truly Transdimensional Oversoul). Light Ether. Individuation. Transformation. Liberation; Moksha, Freedom. Stellar Emendation. Solar Cell (Stellar Maturity).
Journey. The Star Larvae Hypothesis: manufacture of Protons via Hawking Radiation at the edge of the Black Hole event horizons (predicated upon the observer effect and conscious attention of Human Panspermia evolutes). Stellar Wizards: we Journey into the Sun and thence to other Worlds and Constellations (the Inward Arc) and thence to Planets which we populate and then leave (the outward arc). We are destined to become Stars. Eliphas Levi and the old Rosicrucians claimed that all Luminous Beings have filaments of Coronal Radiation that resemble wings, by which they propel themselves, and this is where the general idea of Angels Comes from. The original peoples came from the North Pole via Polaris and Cynosure in this manner. the original spirituality asserted that all matter was alive, the result of having been seeded into the universe by the Stellar Generators (Pangermia), a condition known as panhyle. And that the culmination of this Journey resulted in the placement of victorious evolutes into Constellations as Stars. Thus, Family Constellations are the Stellar Eldunariya of successful Ancestral Karma, completing the Stellar Emendations required for Cosmic Redemption. Accordingly, the Stars have a very personal connection and interest in the nurture of their fledgling broods and generally dote over their Humans.
Masks and Duples
For Best of All Possible Worlds Compositing, be sure to first generate a Duplicate so that you are doing non-destructive editing. Later on you can merge layers or flatten (or delete) or ‘save as’ if you find there is too much drain on the CPU.
So with your Duple, you perform the modulations, opacities, and threaded connections that you wish to employ for accelerated development (Archetypal Mask, color adjustment gradient, texture (background, context, role), module configurations and preferences, etc) or paint-in various features.
So the Life-Spending Principle may be compounded across composited doppelgängers, etc.. For example, you could apply Azoth to one layer or composite the results into different channels and layers.
The Master Artists would need to be Sixth Dimensional or above (in order to access all particular lifelines across space and time at once) in order to composite the various parallel worlds into Individuated Wholes. Of course after developing qualified artistic compositors, the Master Artist might wish to undergo accelerated composition as well, thereby advancing the whole universal system by eons in a short time. I’m quite sure these things are already going on in the Arcturian System.
Security risks have been brought up, alongside several objections. Examples of these run along the lines of “what happens if bad people get ahold of this technology and use it to degrade things instead of accelerate development?“. As noted before, the higher dimensional consciousness employed in these and other such operations fundamentally preclude lower consciousness interference for nefarious purposes. Furthermore greater supervisory oversight is affected, the higher one climbs dimensionally, with the ultimate supervisor securely at the top at the 10th dimension which controls the dimension of all dimensional dimensions. In fact, this Absolute Being is essential to the entire process, no matter what level.
Going back to examples closer to our own level, there is the interesting possibility of developing accelerated parallels and virtual selves that are then co-involved in the accelerated development of your personal self in such a way that you are your own teacher and your own master developer. Perhaps these sessions might take place in an official capacity alongside master developers in collaboration with advanced races of your own virtual nations.
How selfish is this, to guide and develop your own accelerated development? First, it might be noted that the Transcendental Brain is designed to do exactly such a thing, in healthy, well-adjusted individuals. Secondly, it should be remembered that this psycho-spiritual development technology is not the exclusive monopoly of any one group but available to all who elect to undergo ascension. This holds true for your spirit guides, animal totems and the vast panoply of transdimensional beings who guide and assist you on a daily (and nightly) basis. It is quite possible that everyone else is already doing it but you. Your family Constellations and Ancestral Karma are likely already being emendated accordingly. By remaining a laggard it is possible that you might be holding someone else back.
But considering the infinite number of parallel worlds and their infinite lifelines of parallel selves, it is not very likely that anyone who elects to undergo ascension will be held back. Let us look into the interesting case of a parallel group of virtual selves where some member deliberately chooses to become malevolent and adamantly refuses to change, remaining this way with stubborn determination. Every opportunity will be provided for his transformation, yet in the final analysis, his free will shall be honored. All his associated parallels and virtual doppelgangers will reach ascension except the lone holdout until his lease expires and he must reckon with what is generally called ‘Judgement Day’. He will then be deleted, without any loss to the Whole. In this way the slate is wiped clean and drain on the universal information base will not become burdensome. No one is doing it to him, he has selected the final result on his own and the legality of a just system will be satisfied when his identity is expunged from the system. Where does he go then after that? He doesn’t ’go’ anywhere, he ceases to be. And his wiser and more fortunate copies will succeed in his stead.