Jovian Archetype for Leo
Verchiel – Leo – (Bardon) “The whole life spending original principle of the whole cosmic hierarchy, on the planets as well as in the spheres, is controlled by the fifth original genius of the Jupiter sphere. All life in all spheres and on all planets, including our earth, is directed by him, no matter whether life in the vegetable, the animal or the human kingdom is concerned, or whether man in his physical, astral or mental body is in question. If the magician gets into contact with this original genius, he will be instructed by him in the highest form of magic and Qabalah, which refers to the whole cosmic hierarchy. Verchiel reveals to the magician special methods and practices by which he can get under his control the highest power in the whole cosmic hierarchy. Apart from this, all miracles which can be caused by belief and the power of conviction come under this genius’ range of power.”
We all want to feel happy, loved and fulfilled in our lives. The desire to make a difference in the world is what drives our passions and ambitions. We have the opportunity to live a life of purpose, not just exist. The goal of our Mission is to offer insights into our lives and help put us on the road to self-realization. Having a clear sense of one’s life purpose is not just an option but an obligation, as it helps one to achieve happiness and get on with life.
Many people are stuck in a rat race, day in and day out, to support their family and pay off their debts. Eaking out a bare existence on the Hamster Wheel saps them of their motivation or ambition. The main focus of Leo’s thesis is to discover the importance of how we spend our lives and what kind of decisions we make along the way. It’s about the decision to get on with life, “living our Soul Journey”.
The following factors influence our decisions:
circumstance (external influences) – which we co-create through projections of our interior state via the panpsychic All-Mind;
culture (our mindset) – indoctrinations, education and belief systems of which we largely subscribe to and identify with via role-playing and are transformable;
the time period in which we live (our historical ecology) – in which we are fortunate enough to be an active participle in this age of miraculous discovery and technological opulence;
personality type – (how we think) and values – (what we believe) -which our Magical development is attempting to address via the Archetypal Personalities, Psychodynamics and Spherical and Transdimensional Realities.
We are all born with a purpose, but in most cases, we get lost in the weeds and eventually lose sight of it. After many roadblocks, we become endeadened, and come to think that there is no way out. Giving up, we accede our empowerment to despair and begin to pine for the next life. What if there is no ‘next life’ but only one continuous Soul Journey.
Soul Journey
– Once you know what your Soul Journey is, you need to take advantage of opportunities to get closer to it
– Your Soul Journey has something more valuable than money: meaning
– You will be happy knowing that you are doing something meaningful every day
Our Soul Journey is all about finding out the meaning behind our lives and what’s the purpose of all that we do. We can also find our personal ambition from this art-form and make sure that we are always heading in that direction. When everyone can find their true calling and meaning to life, people will be happier and more fulfilled which will help us all contribute more in life and participate experientially.
The Soul Journey is an experiential workshop where participants can explore their inner self, their strengths and weaknesses and find out what they are truly passionate about in life. This workshop has a soulful approach towards exploration and offers insights into the meaning of life. Participants have the opportunity to engage with themselves and satisfy their curiosity about who they really are and how they want to live out their lives.
There are a few ways you can find your life purpose, whether it’s through Soul Journey or by other means. The point is finding it and then doing what you need to do to make your life work.
The decision for an individual to get on with his or her life is a very big decision that will make significant changes in one’s own life journey. It is not just about making a choice of suicide, in fact, it is more about the person being able to function again. Significant Changes in One’s Life Journey: An individual may have to take time off work and start a different career path altogether. This means giving up the things they loved in the past and changing their lifestyle entirely. They may also need to move to a new area of the country in order to start fresh. Creating a New Life: Starting a new life means taking complete control of their lives and making major changes that they didn’t have time to do previously.
These concerns are all within the Domain of Leo’s Jovian Intelligence.
We often hear that, “humans need a sense of accomplishment and a sense of meaning” in order to feel fulfilled. These are not the only things that contribute to self-actualization, but they are some of the most important. Self-actualized people tend to be happier and healthier than those who have not achieved self-actualization.
We are speaking then, of Self Actualization; of Freedom, Autonomy, Personal Agency, Meaning Purpose and Individuation and Integration of the Whole.
As we continue to shift from the idea of “humanity” as a collection of islands to a networked world, the need for connection becomes more and more important. Self-actualization is really about becoming aware of our true selves and not staying chained to outmoded definitional templates. This self-actualization is a process that brings us closer to our true nature, which is essentially our connection with the rest of humanity.
Self-realization can also be summarized as “becoming who you are”. It’s not just an individual goal; it needs to involve the collective group in order for it to be successful. In order for someone’s self-realization to have meaning and fulfill their purpose, they have to have contact with others and establish their independence while still being connected with others.
Actor–Network Theory (ANT) is an approach to social theory where everything exists in constantly shifting networks of relationships. In this view nothing exists outside those relationships. Additionally, objects, ideas, processes, and any other relevant factors are seen as just as important in creating social situations as the humans themselves. For this reason, it is famous in the insistence upon the capacity of non-humans to act or participate in systems or networks or both. This insistence applies to trandimensionals as well and subsequently includes our parallel worlds and virtual selves, with our infinite lifelines, all our Ancestral Karma, Supercausal Tachyons from the Future, and the Spherical Beings as well. Relationship itself is seen as a Complex Adaptive System which learns, adapts, and evolves as a Living Organism (compare this to ANW’s ‘Process Relational Philosophy’).
Closer to home, the role of Identity within the Actor-Network is up for debate. It is a topic that has been discussed through the ages with philosophers, anthropologists, and cultural analysts all offering different perspectives on what it means to be human. There are two main concepts that have been suggested:
1) Self actualization: “the process of realizing one’s fullest potential” and
2) Autonomy: “choosing one’s own actions free from the controlling influence of others.”
Human beings have always sought to find a meaning in their lives and try to fulfill their potential so they can feel like their life has purpose. With this in mind, I would like to highlight three ways in which we can achieve self-actualization by achieving autonomy and/or freedom:
1) Individuation: which is about discovering — one’s unique identity,—one’s unique personality,—one’s unique talents,
2) Authenticity: which is about being honest with oneself and the world. This includes self-knowledge and self-acceptance while communicating your own uniqueness to others.
3) Autonomy: which is a state of being in control of one’s life by achieving. Sociologists refer to this as Personal Agency.
The self is a complex and multifaceted entity. One of the most important tasks that we have as human beings is to seek to actualize ourselves and to try our best to find meaning in our lives.
The idea of self-actualization has been around for many years. Though it was first introduced by psychologist Abraham Maslow in his 1943 paper “A Theory of Human Motivation”, he did not define the term himself. Maslow listed significant human needs and subsequently ranked them from basic to complex. He theorized that as humans meet their needs, they experience higher levels of fulfillment which results in a state called self-actualization.
In order to achieve this state, people need to feel like they are free, have a sense of autonomy and be able to make their own decisions without being controlled or limited by others. They also need to find meaning in their work which will lead them to feel empowered and integrated socially. The more fulfilled one is with themselves, the more likely they will be to produce good work, contribute to their communities, and be integrated into society at large. If people feel they are not in control of their own destinies, have no autonomy, or don’t know what they stand for, then the quality of their life will suffer. The same goes for those who don’t feel like they can make a difference and contribute something meaningful to society. This results in the counterproductive mode of hopelessness and despair.
Again, all this is within the province of Leo’s Jovian Angel, who is quite powerful and relevant because a) the Jovian Archetypes include Society and Dominion and b) Leo is ruled by the Sun, our local Star and the most powerful Dynamo in our Planetary System. Verchiel is certainly one of my personal favorites due to the emphasis on Individuation, Self-Actualization, Empowerment, Autonomy and the Life-Spending Principle but also because the power of Belief and Conviction are the Essence of Metaphysics.