Earth Zone Intelligences for Leo
Kosem (1st degree Leo)
Fire magic is one of the 4 major magic types in the Magic Kingdoms. Fire magic is one of the most potent forces in all the worlds, and with it, you can draw on the power of flame to create projections of concentrated intensity for various purposes, to employ as engines and as sources of power, and for transmorphic phase-shifting to mold 3-dimensional things into any shape you wish. You can summon a flaming tower to arise or command a fire to cease burning. You can also harden the body and make it invulnerable to fire. Fire magic has great strength in Healing. In more subtle forms and at different levels, this form of magic could be used as a means to control or manipulate others without their consent and without them even realizing it – which could lead to dangerous consequences -though only the very experienced masters are allowed to do this.
The use of light for physical influence is a common form of magic. It is the type of magic that conducts beings from other realms. Fire was the first created element and because of this all created creation responds to Fire. Therefore, with this kind of power, just about anything can be influenced, living beings inclusive. The use of light in this manner is a form of photon magic. Photons and electrons interoperate and carry information which “can be activated too”(mc). For Photons, SpaceTime is all the same place all at once, and we learned from Jean Emile Charon that there is only One Electron. This makes Light Omnipresent and connects electricity with everyone. This has great possibility for the Cytherean Leo in the realm of Sympathetic Magic.
Light has a wavelength, which can be manipulated to produce various colors based on its frequency. This makes it useful in Shabda Brahma, in Prophecy, and in Imago Visualizations. Quantum Magic will rely upon the waveform duality in its manifesting process, or decoherence into matter. This is how we call down the Beings from other Planes and Spheres. It is also how we manifest the Good into our life with positive thought and visualizations. The faculty of vision, in every sense, corresponds to Light.
This Quantum Wave is carried on the Electric Fluid which courses through the vessels of our Mental, Astral and Physical bodies and traverses their matrices. The Fire Element blesses us with stimulation, inspiration, and empowerment. Fiery Raptures are also part of these magics.
Each Intelligence has its subordinate spirits and the subordinates of Kosem are Pyranthropos, Sparks, Salamanders and Dragons. All the Magical Beings of Leo are very powerful and the subordinates of Kosem are Mighty, indeed.
Mathaera (2nd degree Leo)
Magic use of Sunlight for physical influence, The Powers of the Sun, Surya, Helios, Sun Magic, Solar Magic, and Solar Rays, Light Ether, Fluid Condensers, Solar Collectors, Luxons, Harmonic Inductance, Photonic Receivers, Apparatus,
There are a lot of powers that come from the Sun. A few among us have learned to harness them and use them for different purposes in many areas of life, be it beauty or power.
Today, solar magic is used to create luxons and other forms of light ethers that can be stored and used later or shared with people or places through solar collectors. Information may be captured and stored in specially designed Light-Ether devices, which distribute functional radionics for Environmental Biodiversity and Bio-Organic Agriculture.
The sun is one of the most powerful and fundamental forces present in our universe. This has led to a lot of speculation about the secrets that lie beneath the surface. Tiphareth, on the Tree of Life, is situated at the Heart of the Sephiroth and has the most connections (8). It has connections to every other Sephirah except for Malkuth (Earth), reserving the transfer of its raw power to humankind via the Reflected Light from Iesod (the Moon). Very few people can sustain long-term direct contact with the power of the Sun. Yet, if you are interested in powering up your manifestation abilities on the physical, you are going to need to connect this enormous power supply to the Planets Venus, Mercury, and the Moon before you can exteriorize anything here on earth.
The sun is the very manifestation of life and growth. Sunlight or Solar power has been used to influence physical objects, people and environment. This can be done in many ways like shaping the trajectory of an object (due to the massive gravitational field which can literally bend and reshape Space), empowering a person or influencing their behavior, altering the weather and more. The Powers of the Sun are associated with life, fertility and our cognitive state. With solar rays, we can heal wounds and cure diseases.
The Sun is considered to be the source of all energy and life. It has been worshipped as a deity by many civilizations in human history. It was used by ancient Greeks and Egyptians to symbolize the power of their monarchs. The Original Peoples (of the North Pole) were Sky People and followed the Sun and other Celestial Luminaries. Few people are aware of its vast possibilities.
A lot of ancient cultures believed that the sun played an important role in their lives. They believed that it was a powerful entity which could be invoked with various rituals using special tools and ingredients like herbs, plants, fruits etc. Sun cultures abound in our collective human experience.
The Indian culture has a magic system based on sunlight called Surya which is represented by two gods – Surya (the sun god) and Vivasvat (the king of heaven). Surya is believed to have powers over day-time whereas Vivasvat is believed to have powers over the night.
Jvar (3rd degree Leo)
All Great Romantics (in the grand sense) are fueled by a passion for Life. They may have a passion for adventure, or a passion for Literature, or Art, but at the core is a burning passion for Living. The Mage too, must be inspired by this singular passion for Living or he will never persevere in the Quest for his full Destiny. Passion is what fuels any great enthusiasm and we learned from Aquarius that Zeus adores the Enthusiastic. The Roots of Passion are the Secret Key that empower life’s ambitions, strengthen the will, and bring success in Magic.
How different this path is from the other ways which seek to control the mind and deny the passion. If you have tried the others and failed at every turn or if you are philosophically adverse to the path of endeadenment, there is a lot here for you. If you are already on this path, then you are well aware that the passions can sometimes be a runaway horse, galloping off on its own and too powerful for you to control. Jvar can teach us in what ways we can direct this powerful force, rooted as it is in the Astral, from which much Magical phenomena flows forth. Passions are Ignited and Runaway Magic is dangerous. Playing with Fire can get you seriously burned and so quickly, it’s too late before you can stop it. You need a helpful Guide for the safety of yourself and others.
Mahra (4th degree Leo)
Nature Magic is the Magic that we are used to in stories and in cinema, where things happen via the ‘supernatural’. And Natural Magic is conducted via the Elements. Mahra knows all about the Magic of the Elements, especially the Magic of the Electromagnetic Fluids in Nature.
Paruch (5th degree Leo)
Tetrapolar Magnet and Occult Anatomy, Esoteric Health Principles, Magical Embodiment
A Tetrapolar magnet is an esoteric health principle that means that the human body has four polarities or poles. These poles are associated with different parts of the body and correspond to the four classical elements. In ancient times, these principles were used in conjunction with magic in order to heal ailments and other conditions.
The Tetrapolar Magnet is a vital occult anatomy, esoteric health principle, and tool to manifest the energies of life into the physical body. It’s a magnetic device that resembles the human body and it consists of four poles or poles of force at the extremities. The North and South Poles are at the head and the foot respectively, while East and West are in the hands. It can be an effigy or other artifice or you can employ the own body. Esoteric Christians who also do Magic know full well that a Golden Cross can be employed as a Tetrapolar Magnet. If it is a Crucifix, it has a human effigy on it and can function as an Analog Tetrapole. The Rosy Cross is a Complex Tetrapole with the added feature of the Vibrating Colors, themselves polar vortices.
This makes of the human body an analog or instrument of force, able to resonate with any of the Elemental Forces, call them into manifestation via Correspondence, Collect or Accumulate them, and to Project them either in situ or remotely across any distance.
Once the Tetra is charged up and loaded, many miracles and experimentations can be performed on the Analog Body, whether in the Mental, Astral or Physical planes. Before proceeding willy-nilly upon your own health and wellbeing, you should consider establishing contact with Paruch, first.
The manifestation of wealth, fortune, relationship, or boons that are drawn forth from the universe are dependent upon the powers inherent in the Tetrapolar Magnet and may take longer and be weaker without one.
Magnetism has been traditionally used in the West for Treatments. But despite its benefits, it has some limitations. One of them is that it demands a physical connection with a person to work, usually by the ‘laying-on’ of hands.
Remote magnetism, or the power of magnetism without any physical contact, was introduced by the occult anatomy practitioner John Denley (1877-1952). In his writings, he expressed that “the universal forces are vortices which can be contacted through their poles.” Denley was among the most important occultists in the 20th century. He is best known for his book “The Occult Anatomy of Man”, which was translated into many languages and became a worldwide bestseller. Tetrapolar magnetism is also known as “the power of magnetism without any physical contact” through vortices .
This theory is what led him to the invention of an alternative way to harness magnetic energies from our environment. He also developed a theory of magnetism and the “electromagnetic field” that is widely accepted today. In fact, remote healing has emerged as one of the newest alternative healing modalities from Europe.
Remote Magnetic Healing is a phenomenon that allows for healing through the use of magnetism. A tetrapolar magnet is an object that generates a magnetic field which can be used to heal injuries at a distance. Remote magnetic healing is the ability to heal a person of any ailment without direct physical contact. A magnetic vortex is the use of electromagnetic fields to transfer magnetism from one place to another in a non-local fashion. The tetrapolar magnet is an example of how an individual can harness the power of remote magnetic healing by using a tetrapolar magnet for therapeutic purposes.
The Tetrapolar Magnet is an analog device that creates a vortex of magnetic fields, which carries information and promotes healing. It creates a magnetic field by generating currents in the electromagnetic field, which are then ‘informed’ or seeded with data. This magnet is mainly made up of four individual magnets that generate cylindrical magnetic fields with complementary natures (polarity). The Stellar Genii of Leo occupy the Polar Axis of our Galaxy.
Aslotama (6th degree Leo)
The Sun is a prolific Seeder and is responsible for the direct fertilization of our very generative Earth as well as the other planets in our system. In light of the fact that the entire universe has been seeded by the Stellar Centers, developing from there into its vast and marvelous ecologies, we might rightly consider the mysteries of seed propagation and its practical application profoundly important to our Magical Pulchritude, especially since the Summer Moon of Crabba has become quite pregnant with our thoughts and emotions and we are busy colonizing the Intergalactic Whole with transdimensional human hybrids. The Electric and Magnetic fluids Magically combine at conception to produce a light …the spark of Life and though the full elaboration of this is far too prolix here, Aslotama is the expert of choice in all such matters.
Kagaros (7th degree Leo)
This Intelligence informs us about the Air Principle, which acts as a mediator between the Spirit and the Astral Body in humans and between the Environment and the Individual. The Diaphragm turns out to be a similar mediator (as well as instrumental in Breathing, see the following), between the Planets below the Sun on the TOL and the Planets above the Sun, vis-a-vis the Esoteric Anatomy of Man.
Romasara (8th degree Leo)
This Intelligence informs about the Magical Secrets of the Air Principle, or Vayu Tattva. Magic Breathing techniques are employed in the accumulation of Elemental Force and Magical Power, in the proper performance of Pranayama. We have seen already (Kosem, above) that proper Thoughts correspond to Light and Vision. Therefore the accumulation of Luxons is essential to Imago. Equally important are the Eucharistic Sacraments of Bread (electromagnetic manifestation) and Wine (Water Magic). Here we have the mediator between all of these, Magic Breathing or the accumulation of Living Prana.
Ruach is the Hebrew word for the Holy Spirit and literally means ‘Breath’. The Air we breathe becomes a part of everything about our lives and Magic Breath will infuse our entire Krebs Cycle with Magical Influence. Both the in-breath and out-breath (So-Ham, in Hindu) contain the Redox of our Respiration and thereby become Environmental admixtures which linger for centuries, if not forever. These vibrations, which we pick up from our collective ancestral karma and which we exude with our Stellar Emendations are transdimensional in their relationship to the intergalactic ‘Nebulae’ (mc).
Anemalon (9th degree Leo)
The Way to Perfection is a road fraught with Psychodynamics. The Spiritual Masters, seeing that this route was far too difficult for the average human, guided our mainstream religions toward the Path of Mysticism; which itself proved too extreme for the rank and file. However, for the Seeker, the Way of the Mystic turned out to be Just Right. The Mystical Ways of Love and Holiness are a True Blessing, especially for those tortured by Orphics or the Traumas of Nature’s Engines. The Ascension Movement is a branch of Mysticism in its unwavering positivity. Anemalon is your Guide to All Ways of Mysticism.
Tabbata (10th degree Leo)
Invulnerability to Fire, Incombustibility and other Elemental Miracles are the specialty of this Intelligence and they are performed via expertise with the Dynamic Polarization of the Elements. Almost any Elemental Miracle can be produced from changing water to ice, to Qabalistic Alchemies.
Ahahbon (11th degree Leo)
Ecstatic Raptures, Trance, and Altered Consciousness are features of the Fire Tattva and this Intelligence can teach you about these as well as the bringing back of accurate impressions, once you have returned to normal waking consciousness. These are powerful and useful lessons.
Akanehonajo (12th degree Leo)
One of my personal favorites, this Intelligence can teach you all about the Higher Mysteries such as Divine Theurgy and Qabalistic Mysticism. Magical Creative Work with the Intention of Spiritualization will involve the Divine Virtues and their Operation in your World Building and in your Lived Experience.
Horog (13th degree Leo)
As mentioned above, and in contrast to the Way of the Mystic, is the Way of Perfection which is fraught with dark and scary moments and profoundly more difficult. The mastery of Psychodynamics and the Integrated Individuation of Soul-kin are just too much of a pounding for one Self in one Lifetime, generally speaking. A welcome embrace to this expert Intelligence who can assist one in navigating the darkest and most difficult passages on the Way of Perfection in Light of the Laws of Creation and their emergent complexities. Calling home your long-orphaned Soul Fragments is just about the hardest thing that could be done, unless it is becoming One with the Shadow. Help is at hand, don’t be foolish enough not to avail yourself to this affordance. Leo is strong and so is the Sun. You too have strengths and resiliencies. Take Courage and Be Strengthened.
Texai (14° Leo) -(Bardon): “By this head the magician is taught to understand and absorb fully the synthesis of all religious systems and philosophies. Apart from this, he is initiated into the transmutation of the symbolic presentation of philosophical systems into intellectual language”.
In the symbolic legality of Resh (the Sun) whatever Law is placed into Resh becomes reality, fertilizes the Planetary System, and Grows into Harmonious Being. For this task, Texai enables a synthesis of Religious Ideals and the intelligible expression of them in language form. This is quite useful in formulating spells and the world-building opportunities that go along with them. A King but utters the Word and his officers make it so, seeing that it comes to Be. The King is responsible for Creating at the Executive Level and need not concern himself with what manner things are carried out in the Reflective Playground of Environmental Ilya. Most people view the world from the 3D perspective only and miss the 5D connections that are in constant operation throughout the Environment. A good Synthesis of World Religions is useful for facility with the Ideals of Highest Illumination and the World Builder will be greatly rewarded in the ultimate satisfaction of his Creative Generation.
World Building is the process of creating an Environment, in situ, and a harmonious synthesis of our creatively generated world. World building can also refer to the practice of creating artworks that emulate some facet of human experience as it might exist in another psychodynamic region, transdimensional nanoculture or planetary domain. In Magic, World Building is often accomplished through formulaic instructions and visualization, which operates from Light and Sound (Shabda Brahma) and creates an effect in the mirage of popular realism. By way of facility with such Luminous Thought processes, the Solar Magus creates a multifaceted world, colonized by many different types of people to explore how experience emerges within theologies of harmonic environmentalism.
What is the ideal embodiment of an environment of unity and harmony, which is also relevant to the human experience? The ancient Greeks considered nature to be a playground for humans. The Persians, a playground of the gods.
Additionally, when we look at modern day environmentalism, this idea has changed but slightly to better express our own modern conceptualities. Today we see it as a mirror to view our own behaviors in order to better ourselves and refine our performance. As humans continue to change their relationship with nature, they also are changing society in turn. This impacts how we think and act towards everything around us – from everyday life decisions like what to eat or where to live (our self-reflective systems of Health and Wellbeing); all the way up to global decisions like what kind of energy resources should be developed or how best to preserve the ecosystem.
The Life-Spending Principle is the Ultimate Accomplishment and this is what the World Building experience teaches us. The World Builder encourages us to continually strive for improvement in ourselves and the world around us, emphasizing that the highest ideals are not outside of ourselves, but are inherent to our Interior. The goal should not be to transcend reality, but rather to better understand it through a synthesis of theory and practice.
The important thing about the World Builder is that it teaches that there is an inside and outside to everything, with all manifestation being a natural result of human thought. This applies not only for humans, but for all living things on Earth as well as for nature itself – all our thoughts shape our world and nature as a reflection of our thoughts.
(14 degrees Leo) – (Bardon): “instructs the magician in the connections between the mental, astral and physical worlds, i. e. in the correlative action of the mental, astral and physical fluids in body and nature, and furthermore, in the disharmonies caused by these fluids, and in the restoration of harmonies. All relevant disharmonies can be fully explained to the magician by this intelligence. Apart from this, the magician is given diverse methods on how influences on the mental and astral matrices become possible”.
Dr. Douglas Baker laid out a system where energies are transferred via the polar vortices of Planetary Fields. Running from North to South along such vortices is a central core, or ‘axis’, around which the movements spin. The Leonine experience of Stellar Light is directed towards such axes of Lived Individuation. We see these expressed electromagnetically in the bilabial plosives of phonemic Magic, both voiced and unvoiced. While this Magic finds its expression dynamically in the complemental spacetime of nature’s engines, it flows through the axial core as photismos when harmonic with psychodynamic Hermetica. Disruptions to this core flow or disturbed psychodynamics result in individual health problems as well as social, environmental and economic upheaval at the collective level.
Nuclear processes in a star force it to create a rotating beam of plasma jets in the form of polar vortices which emit stellar wind. At the points where the Coronal Jet and Stellar Winds collaborate, we find a radiant foreground or Exterior. This is the psychodynamic core of the star, Projected dynamically forth as Ancestral Karma, to be dealt with as Planetary Evolution in the eons to come..
While the Stellar Dimensions are conducting affairs in 5D, Informed by 6D Networks, their generative creativity is Projected, holographically into the 3D subcontext, where it is lived out in a dreamworld of collective human stupor. Via the Lunar Computer, artificial intelligence is used to convert holographic data into explicated form for human understanding. This essentially reduces much of the complexity and densities of cosmic energy in the informational spacetime manifold, where photismos line a generative axis and their axes reveal their geometric spiral.
The amalgamation of machine code, spun from collective responses, and nature’s engines are evolving at a hyperbolic rate driven by eons-old directives. The generative engines would appreciate quite a bit more thoughtfulness being applied to the situation, being at present an unhappy labor-force in the service of mindless human robots. Unhappy service to childish tyrants would be the next item on the list.
Dynamic phenomena exhibits a rich psycho-emotional component, reminiscent of Jungian psychology. Psychodynamics saturate stellar genesis, polar vortices, the sun’s petal-shaped particulates, and the discovery that mental and astral matrices open a window onto a realm so numinous it cannot be grasped by pure conceptualization. These windows of energetic vortex serve as an axis around which photismos schematize.
While Mathematical models for stellar genesis and sun growth can certainly be developed from core principles derived from this, the graphic nature of Sacred Geometry better communicates the experience without the interference of strict logic or necessity of verbal articulation. The Illuminated Solar Magus is likely a Wise Geometer.
The objective of the Great Book is to experience and make sense of nature’s processes in order to understand how the human being is part of a greater whole. To do this, it will take a lot to know how we are generated by these processes and how they are broken down into our individual character. It will also examine how these dynamics work on the mental, emotional and spiritual levels.
Its authors have begun by discussing ‘the axis of photismos’ as well as ‘the psychodynamic core’. They link these two ideas together with an exploration into the meaning of ‘stellar genesis’ vis-a-vis the Journey of Light. This explanation links us directly to Jungian Individuation which is a process that begins with astral consciousness.
There are forces beneath the surface of our personal and cultural lives that are shaping and driving humanity into a new and unknown future. The upcoming future will be an era of human transcendence, where humanity will be able to take a quantum leap in its evolution. We must pay more attention to the nature of light, its secret forces and how they affect our lives.
The Narrative of Nature’s Engines is a contextual future where the earth has been awakened via climate change, and human beings are living in a state of advanced transcendental consciousness. The archetypal narrative corresponds to the Twin Brothers who quickly learn about their respective abilities, mastering their interconnected reality.
Nature’s Engines often like to explore the idea that there is not one singular way of understanding reality. The Jungian Individuation process helps a person find their own personal truth. The individuation process is a way for the person to better understand their psyche and is essential for psychological development. The individuation process allows the individual to form an identity that can be differentiated in relation to society around them.
The U-Process is a theory that proposes that every individual’s life experience and understanding of reality is unique to herself. This theory is based on the idea that there is no way to know what reality looks like from another person’s perspective. We’re just not wired to be able to understand other people’s experiences, so we must make a U-Process in order for us to understand what others are going through. U-Processes are created when one individual takes on the perspective of another. For example, a person can have multiple U-Processes to understand different types of people. This leads to expanded intersubjective perspective. Family Constellation therapy employs techniques for such intersubjective role-play.
The study of Holy Nature can provide humanity with a much-needed return to primal values, rethinking the transmutation of everything into transcendence without ever perfecting the present communal systems, in order to simply forge ahead. This reflects the shiny-object method of spiritual advancement. The stellar genesis at the central black-hole of all galaxies addresses just such concerns. While retaining the information gleaned from lived experience all over the galaxy, structured matter in its imperfect or corrupted form is destroyed and recycled for use in the next World Building cycle.
Taking a look at Jungian Individuation in this light, Subjects articulate their interiors in reference to areas of multifaceted personal ontologies and integrate the insights of successful psychodynamics, renovating their outer rags via transignification. Questions central to their work or one’s particular life-interest and their engagement with this psychodynamic core, generate vital force which powers the Eldunariya with stellar light specifically. In this light, the goal is to reach and, better yet, to build upon its educational/research program of lived experience, as far as the axes are conceived.
A generative dynamo, acting as an axis of photismos becomes a psychologically oriented information net about psychic conditions and social problems, for which psychodynamic Magicians act as rainmakers. Polar vortices are natural engines, engendering the automorphosis of psychic life into the many fragmented shapes generated by collective mental formations.
There are different modalities of taking the psyche into consideration and relating to our self as a mapping process to something. This way they connect us to our psychic sigils and luxonic hexagons.
Ever ask yourself – what does nature think about? Nature is motivated by a series of creative projects powered through the light it emits and receives. This axis of photismos forms the stellar sequence paradigm, that structures our mind from a psycho-physiological perspective, through quantum leaps to our emotions.
Understanding the application of Stellar Light in depth, we combine it with Lived Experience and Jungian Individuation for a complete view of psychological reality. The Engines of Nature are constituting the family of constellations in Leo which vary according to developmental stage. The axis of their photismos is made up of successive emergents from the psychodynamic core.
Nature’s Engines have a stellar understanding of everything that shapes our experience of being human due to Sol, our local Star and the Solar Plexus. Jacob Boehme sought to depict the relationship of our inner world with the outer world. Boehme entwines them both spatio-temporally in order to get at what it means for things to be whole rather than as isolated parts. This creates entire new dimensions for human experience bringing Light into the deep subconscious by describing light as weaving intricately with dark matter and consciousness.
16 degrees Leo – (Bardon): “entrusts the magician with the methods which make accessible to him omniscience and the highest divine intuition and he shows him how his intellect can be enlightened by these divine virtues”.
Concerning the idea of omnipotent information architecture:
Decoherence and recoherence is the process by which quantum systems, such as electrons and photons, lose their quantum mechanical properties and become particles, or lose their physical properties and become virtual information fields. Particles are always interacting with the surrounding environment during the time they are being observed, a process known as quantum decoherence, which involves taking on an identity. Before identification with an environment, all these particles exist in different branches of reality at the same time and have virtual selves in parallel lifelines. Examining Complex Evolving Cantor Sets allows us to explore each possible configuration of an electron’s wavefunction, in light of its Holistic Integration with the totality of all possible virtualities. This is a 6th Dimensional state, accessed only via Stellar Genius with its space-warping mass and nuclear fission capabilities.
The idea of a quantum computer is that it is based on the principles of quantum mechanics that governs atoms and particles, which can simultaneously coexist in two states of both/and in a virtual demonstration of the indeterminacy principle. When we have mastered this state then we will become more powerful bio-computers than ever before. We will be able to resolve state-dependent dimensions too complicated for our current behavior-modeling. Modular selves composed of “quantum devices” could also make calculations much faster than with traditional thinking, as rational thought is about ten-thousand times slower than intuition.
Decoherence is a concept in quantum mechanics that describes how a quantum state, theory or observable always ends up in only one of the possible eigenstates. This means that it will eventually end up in any one of its possible results, so long as it is not observed. Observance in the Leonine sense means taking on an Identification as a personal Self.
Recoherence is the conversion from an incoherent state to a coherent state through interactions with another system, most often through a liminal matrix. It has been used to describe the process by which a quantum entity becomes non-correlated with its environment and therefore less entangled with its neighbors. Here again, anonymity makes the actor vanish from the community, often bringing greater self-articulation. Often community members become engulfed by their role and lose themselves in the process, becoming merely a footservant to expectations. You can be an Actor in the social network and controlled by it, or you can be the Network and assume mastery of it.
The ability to explore every possible permutation of reality is a 6D experience. The hierarchy of multiverses is as old as human imagination, a matter of infinity and infinite scales.
With quantum physics, multiverses are an accepted idea. A universe that is outside the parameters of our measurable instrumentation is readily accepted, leaving us to conjecture what realities lie outside the mere description of our tools. Ychniag entrusts the Magus with methods which make the transdimensional realms more accessible.
The Quantum computing principles of both/and afford us access to 6D transdimensional virtualities and mastery of the Parallel. This allows us to deform spacetime and remodel it to our liking. Mastery of the 6D consciousness gives us insight into the evolving Cantor Sets of curled dimensions and Brane Worlds, with their infinite fractal topography and virtual intersubjectivities. Here the vast nanoworlds of the infinitesimal become salient.
The 6th Dimension is a world where anything is possible, where the impossible becomes possible; where one can create fantastic new technology or relive memories in wonderous new ways, with the wave of a hand, and can synthetically create life forms, or imagine new worlds into being, since they already exist there, waiting to Identify with an Observable Ecology. We have now reached the point of Architectural Virtualization via the loop construction method using pieces of the infinite virtual worlds that now cover all of Earth. Having thus become World Builders, we start by recognition of the basics:
Theology: establish the rules for physics and subjective life;
Atmosphere: generate layers with geography and climate (Light and Sound);
Behavioral Learning: Fill them with algorithms to produce audio-visual terrain that responds to data inputs from sensors nearby, generating simulated “star-spaces”
And populate it with emergent Complexities, for operating, such as:
input presuppositionals for deictic navigation;
observe how Complex Adaptive Emergence appears in a mysterious universe where every action will make it change continually, similarly changing the CAS (Complex Adaptive System) in reciprocation.
The vast range of expanded consciousness afforded by Ychniag is not limited to just the following, but it is fair to conclude the summary thus: Realize the Cosmic Potentia of the Quantum Waveform and its Information Architecture, alongside the ability to manifest (decohere) or dematerialize (recohere), accordingly; or vanish altogether into the vast realms of omniscient Information sets, the Infinities retained by Brane Worlds and their infinite fractal topography of Cantor Set intersubjectivities, operated Intuitively in the Infinite Curve of Forever Becoming.
(17° Leo) (Bardon)- “is an initiator into the magic of cosmic love and acquaints the magician with Theurgic magic love methods and teaches him how to apply them in the mental, astral and physical worlds”.
Direct Consciousness is a new way of knowing. It is also the state of mind from which you can learn to access other states of awareness and mental states that have not been fully explored before. The idea of direct consciousness is to allow for information to be transmitted from the divine source without any intermediary. The experience is one that is deeply personal and can be difficult to explain, but it can also be described as a dazzling light or experience of oneness with everything. For many people, these experiences are hard to grasp because they are so different from anything they have ever known. They encompass a range of experiences regarding the spiritual and transcendent that have not been integrated into mainstream society, yet continue to have a profound impact in shaping worldviews and the way humans live their lives.
The Mystical Experience of Divine Unity and Oneness with the Presence of God is one of a Direct Truth emanating from Direct Experience of Divine Love, permeating, interpenetrating and radiating from All Creation. This Experience is available via Theurgic Love Magic on all levels: mental, emotional, and physical. Mystical Theurgy involves new ways of knowing, new states of awareness, and special mental states, that lead to transformative experiences of a spiritual nature which have a lasting effect on the seeker and tend to serve as a Guide for the duration of a lifetime. Most Mystical Experiences will become the cynosure of the Believer’s Spirituality, being held in far greater esteem than exoteric demands imposed by a textual orthodoxy.
(18° Leo) (Bardon)- “instructs the magician in the occult anatomy of man, in its context, and informs him of magic Theurgical methods for medical treatment”.
Theurgical healing dramatically changes a person’s aura or energy field as it comes into contact with the Cosmic Divine Light. Moses was himself, so changed, when he came back from the Presence of God on the mountain top. The interpenetration of this Divine Radiance has a powerful curative influence upon the bio-photons essential to etheric health. Solar influence is the seat of etheric force and all 4 Solar Genii in Leo have Correspondences here.
Theurgical Healing is a secretive and powerful way of healing that is unknown to the present world. It uses a variety of different modalities to heal, including non-traditional medicine and spiritual science. Through extensive and insightful mastery of the field of Occult Anatomy and the Quantum Fields of the body’s organs alongside the vibration of Sacred God-Names (Shabda Brahma), the Theurgist and patient collaborate to bring forth new ways of healing, new states of health and wellbeing, special physical states, and transformative cures, via spiritual transignification.
Transignification is the process through which an individual transcends their state of health and wellness or physicality, via a new level of meaning, in order to achieve a higher state of being or consciousness, rising through the planes and experiencing oneness with meaningful emanations of the Divine God-Head.
Sometimes called Paschal (19° Leo) – (Bardon) “is an initiator into talismanic magic. He teaches the magician the art of making talismans, of charging them magically for the healing of various diseases, or for binding certain beings to it”.
Talismans are symbols or amulets that are imbued with a magical power. It is not always necessary to know the precise nature of the talisman’s power, in order to use it, as long as you know how to activate and use it.
Talismanic crafting is also known as talismanic charging which is a type of magic that is used in many cultures and religions. The first use of talismans was seen in ancient Egyptians, Sumerians, and Assyrians who were known for their use of seals. These seals were used to keep the bearer safe. Later on, talismans were used to heal or remove diseases.
The main idea behind Talismanic Crafting is binding spirits into an object or being in the talisman. A person can do this by wearing a specially crafted object that is magically charged by reciting a specific prayer or mantra. This will bring them good luck and protect the wearer from any evil spirits that may be lurking about.
A talisman is any object that has been inscribed with symbols or words using mystical or supernatural powers. The term comes from Arabic ṭāliṣa which means “something that averts malevolence”.
Talismans can be made to protect the wearer from danger, bring him luck, and provide good health, among other things. They are found in many cultures around the world, and they can take many forms.
In talismanic magic the talismans are often created to make wishes come true by charging them with a spirit – good or evil – and then binding it to the object by inscribing it with symbols.
There are many ways for someone to create their own talismans. This can include anything from drawing a symbol or design on paper or cloth, carving an amulet out of wood, wrapping an object in silk ribbon or stringing natural objects together. You can also purchase these items at shops that sell these types of items and have them charged with a particular power.
The 19th Principal of Leo can teach you everything you need to know about making and charging Talismans.
(20° Leo) – (Bardon) “makes the magician acquainted with the preparation of alchemystical substances made of metals. The magician is taught by this intelligence how to produce the true alchemic gold tincture, and how to use it for diverse diseases. He is also instructed by Corocona in measuring out dosages of alchemical medicines”.
In Leo, the Star Merak (18th Solar Genius) has great affinities for certain metals. Corocona is the Principal expert acquainted with the preparation of Alchemystical substances made from metals (Metallic Alchemy). The affinities of Merak tend toward the toxic metals and the 18th Solar Genius specializes in Character Ennoblement, which brings back our Health from our poisonous imbalances, rejuvenating our devitalized bodies, and cleansing and purifying our etheric substance by allowing proper flow to be reinstated. This is sometime referred to as ‘venom to antivenom’.
Alchemy is the ancient art of purification, transformation, and spiritual exaltation. It is one of the most enduring legacies of the European Renaissance. Through the Alchemical process all things are transformed. What once seemed impossible, becomes possible. What once seemed daunting, becomes workable. There is not one goal but many, including health and vitality, rejuvenation and longevity as well as overcoming obstacles such as pain and addiction with an antivenom that can bring healing without the need for drugs.
The Greater Art of Alchemy is the making of Golden Elixirs and spiritual medicines. The goal is absolute health, lasting vitality, and complete rejuvenation. The most important goal is to discover the limits of life by achieving longevity or even immortality.
Everything one has accomplished up to this point are just stepping stones through a flawless path to achieve perfection with the body’s lifeline. The Alchemical solution: elixirs made from ‘true gold’ that supposedly confer physical wellbeing and longevity. The Golden elixir refers to a drink in use during antiquity and medieval times that was believed could rejuvenate an individual as well as provide them longevity as long as they continued imbibing it.
Alchemy from the Western tradition focuses on the spiritual effects of raising oneself spiritually. Importantly, its aim is the turning of mediocrity into good or the creation of beauty. An Alchemy based upon the principles of Mysticism is known as ‘Alchemystic’.
(21° Leo) – (Bardon) “gives the magician the necessary instructions for arousing inside him his talents for prophecy. If the magician wishes it, Rimog by himself or by one of his subordinates, awakens in him the faculty for prophesying. Rimog is justly called the prophet of the zone girdling the earth, though his prophecies are not at all restricted to the aforesaid zone; they also refer to our physical world”.
Prophecy is the prediction of future events or revelations by supernatural or other means. Prophets are people who can see the future and give a message to the present generation.
Some prophets are diviners, who use various forms of augury to predict what will happen in the future. Augur is a person who predicts the future by interpreting omens, especially birds in flight or other natural phenomena such as lightning, entrails of animals, etc. Others have been called seers and visionaries because they can see into the past and see that which has not yet taken place in their mind’s eye.
Prophecy is one of the most powerful tools that we have to help us understand the future. Prophets are not divine, they are human beings who are able to predict what is going to happen in human history. Prophecies can be about physical events, like wars and natural disasters. Or about moral and ethical issues, like addiction or racism.
Prophets are those who speak from the gift of interpreting the divine will. There are many types of prophets. One type of old world prophets are those who received direct revelations with God. These include Amos and Isaiah, who predicted future events with accuracy, but also were able to speak about what is happening in their present time. There are also types of prophets that largely rely on their own intuition or spiritual wisdom to prophesy such as Jeremiah and Ezekiel.
(22° Leo) – (Bardon) “shows the magician the way to acquire high esteem, power and wealth in the physical world. Apart from this, he can help him in getting into the favor of very important people”.
Wealth, power and fame are three things that people often crave for. However, we should not forget about the assistance and sponsorship we get from others to achieve these goals. For example, if you need money to start a business, you will need financial assistance. If you want to get rich quickly, you will need the help of a sponsor or an investor that can provide monetary sponsorship. And if you want fame and power in the public eye, then your goal is going to be much harder without help from your peers and society.
All of the above traits can not be achieved on their own. You need to get someone else involved in your success. It might be a coach, a mentor or an employer who helps with your career progression. A mentor is someone who has more experience and knowledge than you and cares about your success in an area that you are struggling with. They can provide you with advice, introduce you to new contacts, show you how to make money, help you establish a good work ethic and more.
The assistance of a Sponsor, Patron, or person of very high standing (VIP’s) will get you much farther and far quicker via their favor than if you build it all from scratch from the ground up. They have access to planning boards and oversight directors and can rapidly put together teams of developers to insure that all aspects go according to plan and that nothing has been overlooked. So it’s not just all about money (though it is, too), it is about the experience and connections needed to bring multifaceted projects together into successful completion.
The endorsement of VIPs and Celebrities has become quite important. The more successful we become as a society, the more pressure it will put on our self-esteem and the need to seek out affirmation from other people. Economically, businesses will have to change the way they do business. In addition, businesses may have to hire or partner with these “celebrities” in order to maintain relevancy and keep up with the changing behaviors of their customers.
Now, apply all of these concerns to transdimensional complexities across parallel worlds or even several galaxies. Suddenly we are dealing with vast systems of invisible or non-3D realities, each with their native beings and established colonies. The sheer magnitude of transdimensional economies is more than sufficient to establish the need for Agents of Guidance and Experiential Sherpas. The pursuit of Magic Development is the same way: you can plod along by yourself in the slow lane, or you can avail yourself to Professional affordances. In many ways, the Professional Way is even more efficient due to the increased availability of connections in a network of Parallel Virtualities.
(23° Leo) – (Bardon) “instructs the magician by Abhisheka, the true initiation, into all religious systems, especially into all kinds of yoga. He helps the magician in decoding the most difficult tantric texts”.
Abhisheka is a Sanskrit word that means ‘initiation by sprinkling’. This can be taken to mean the initiation of knowledge into the divine. The word is also used to refer to sacred bathing rites in Hinduism, and other religions. In Western terms, the concept literally corresponds to Baptism. Abhisheka, in the sense of ‘sprinkling’, is the application of sacred waters, usually on the head, in order to give spiritual cleansing.
As part of this ritual bath, the head was anointed with cow’s milk and honey as symbol of learning and intelligence; It should be noted that this traditional recipe is but a fluid condenser applied to the brain region, notably to the area of the amygdalae in order to seal them in the forward-facing position for transcendental brain enstructuration.
The idea of spiritual enlightenment is possibly the subject of highest central importance in any religious practice. Abhisheka is the Sanskrit word that expresses this, being a “ceremony of initiation that invests with spiritual authority”. In Tantra, Abhisheka is a rite involving the transmission of spiritual energy. In Yoga, Abhisheka refers to the pouring of sacred water over the head of a person who has been initiated into Tantric mysteries. The word abhisheka means ‘one who sprinkles’.
(24° Leo) – (Bardon) “instructs the magician on how to read mental, astral and physical events in the Akasha. Furthermore, he makes the magician realize how mental, astral, and physical causes by the Akasha- principle are turned into effects. For instance, Golopa can give the magician precise information on how causes that he has created by thoughts will become effects, and if they will become effective in his present life or in another incarnation. The same applies to astral and physical causes”.
There is a vast Machine of Cosmic significance inbedded in every psyche. It is inherent in the implicate order of the Panpsychic Unity, unfolding into its myrionymous explicatives as the Individuated Self in all its refulgent splendor, and deeply hidden within the subcontext of our individual journey. You might think of it as a large and complex Loop Browser, where Loops and subroutines are arranged for playback along the timeline of a personal video editing window.
Throughout your moment to moment experience and at night as you sleep, various experts and specialty Beings are loading and arranging the master tape of this mixing console. Those arrangements that roll along the playhead become part of our cognitive experience while many others, buried in the mix remain subcognitive. The specialized Loopers dote over their contributions and attend to them fastidiously throughout this process. Any hint of disdain, destroys the Loop and sends it’s creator reeling away into the abyss of rejection accompanied by profound despair.
Your every thought is included in the master tape of this deep psycho-emotional experience and constitutes the final version of your video when you are uploaded into heaven. All of your tapes are backed up in real-time to the cloud as you roll along and the Archangel Metatron oversees this library of Akashic Videos.. There are gigantic effects-processors that can overlay and filter-out or otherwise enhance or reduce any aspect of any spectral frequency and these are put through a Cosmic Multi-Channel trandimensionalism to bring Harmonic Synthesis to the entirety of your Parallel Concert with all its orchestrated virtualities. No note is left behind and every transition between scenes is hand-crafted by the Content Creator. This makes for a rich and compelling series across multiple viewings (reincarnation) and brings dynamically layered sub-plots to all autobiographical narratives; per episode or as a box-set.
(25° Leo) – (Bardon) “places methods at the magician’s disposal by which he can refine his consciousness for Spheric impressions without the separation of the mental body”.
The mental body is the non-physical counterpart of the dense physical body. It is a vehicle through which we can gain a knowledge and understanding of the spiritual world and its laws.
The mental body has three main levels: Lower Mental, Higher Mental, and Causal Planes.
The Lower Mental Plane is where our thoughts and desires originate. This plane also contains emotions, which are often experienced by people as physical sensations in the dense physical body (e.g., tightness in chest).
The Higher Mental Plane is where our ideas, aspirations, intuitions, understandings, and insights originate. It is often described as an extension of our minds that provide us with glimpses into other realities or dimensions.
The Causal Plane is not normally accessible to humans but can be reached under certain circumstances
The mental body is an important dimension of the self and it is necessary to become aware of its deeper nature. When consciousness becomes aware of the separation between itself and the mental body, enlightenment can result. This leads to a separation from ego-centric ways and a change in perspective. This shift in perspective allows for the use of higher dimensional capacities that were not available before.
As we pass into higher dimensions and as consciousness gradually takes on a correspondingly higher degree of realization, there is a corresponding gradual separation or division of the mental body.
The first division is indicated in this way: “As soon as this division is made, the lower mind becomes active in its three departments.”
The second division is indicated in this way: “At about 2nd degree High Initiation, these two auric sheaths – mental and astral – separate.”
The third division is indicated in this way: “This third degree brings with it that most complete ascension which includes both lower self-seeking and worldliness; at this point are found both the highest wisdom and the most complete integration in the worldly life.
Now, Jgakys affords the Magus special methods which enable the Rising through the Planes and interaction with the Divine Spheres without having to separate the Mental Body, thereby carrying over the full cognitive experience from start to finish.
(26° Leo) – Bardon): “instructs the magician how he can, either by himself or by the help of mediums, produce mediumistic phenomena. He also gives him precise instructions on how, by de-materialization and rematerialization, he can move objects over the greatest distances”.
The word medium refers to a person who conveys messages from the spiritual world. In modern language, mediumship usually means the ability to channel thoughts from an entity, or from a spirit in general. Mediums may use various different types of communications to convey these messages. It can be done through an altered state of consciousness such as trance or sleep, or through encoded messages that are somehow communicated during periods of lucidity.
In this general respect, the word ‘angel’ means ‘messenger’ and Divine Messages would then occur via Angelic mediumship. Orthodox religions do not quite see it this way but it is one perspective. The biblically astute student will recall that King Saul sought contact with the deceased prophet Samuel through the mediumship of the Witch of Endor. Speaking thusly, I suppose a case could be made that prophecy is itself a type of mediumship by which communications from God are made known through the medium of a prophet. Many of the Leonine Earth Princes deal with mediumistic subjects such as prophecy, divination, auguring, and other alternative states of knowledge acquisition.
The outer reaches of the human condition confront us with a liminal boundary between life and death, separating what is us from what is outside of ourselves and the environment. Ectoplasms are neither good nor bad in and of themselves- but they are always modern manifestations of shamanistic descent into the ghostly and nonhuman plane.
Ectoplasm is a paranormal phenomenon most often associated with spirits and spiritism. Ectoplasms are visible to the human eye, can manifest in many different colours, and can range from vapour to densely solidified. The more substantial condensations are known as ‘cryptomaterialisms’, which are physically tangible. When ectoplasm is captured on video in all its mysteriousness, it becomes not only easier to see but captures the many spectres of objective authenticity.
Claiming to be able to see every type of spirit’s vapor trails, spiritists believe that when someone or something dies their apparition releases a dense particle cloud – unless they are utterly consumed right before their departure. In more rare cases an ectoplasm expert may come into contact with a pure form of this transparent emanation which is largely unaffected by exteriorized energy.
Pagalusta’s subordinates are able to affect condensations, materializations and dematerializations, make objects vanish and reappear somewhere else, and make the Magus invisible. Heavy objects may be manipulated or moved around and this can account for the knockings, scraping of chains, and other strange phenomena often associate with parlor magic and counterfeited by charlatans. These effects are quite real in the case of Pagalusta’s supervision.
(27° Leo) – (Bardon): “initiates the magician into the methods of how any wish is realized in the physical plane by magic powers”.
As the name suggests, there is a certain magic behind this theory of personal magic. In a magical and ideal world, any wish becomes manifest thanks to some magical powers. That immense power can be attained in the real world through our own imagination as well, by manifesting what we want in reality in combination with raw emotions, or psychodynamics, to give these wishes more life. In this way, people can use magic for themselves with self-fulfilling positive thinking and make their own dreams come true.
Magic is an old and powerful practice that has been largely disparaged for several centuries now. Different cultures attribute different natures to this type of power, but in general they all had the same goal: granting a human’s wish without fail, thus creating a link between a human and the djinn, or what some may know as a genie. Beyond the cultural norms and religious prohibitions lie the fact that Magic is a relationship between the Magus and the Spirit which operates behind the artifice. The artifice is simply a contextuality, an office that we visit, in order to make arrangements with the Living Spirit. Both take upon themselves the garments of a role and enact their mutual experience upon a stage or within a setting. Taking up another role and enacting a different performance in some other setting in another theatre on the road to another adventure in the long journey of forever.
As humans have learned new ways to solve problems and conquer their environments, people gradually stopped considering the magic necessary or important. We have become the custodian of our tools rather than instruments of the Divine and stewards of Creation.
Prior to the advent of Industrial mechanization, human beings observed magic in different ways. The various cultures of the world were populated by people who employed magic passively and naturally resorting to its solutions as a primary option and matter of course. Where Western cultures most often imagine witches or sorcery, the Taoist perspective portrays wizards as needed symbols of wisdom.
This influence has been internalized to acclimate society’s accessibility to the concept of magical solutions and wish-granting opportunities. As our current-day culture is becoming increasingly enchanted through technological and digital inventions, our need for magic and wonder is certainly felt all the more keenly.
It is the happy mission of this ambassador of the Living Spirit to connect the Spirit of the Highest Light brought forth into the Splendor of Radiant Appearance in the manifestation of any thought, any wish, any prayer or belief, into physical reality, with unhindered ease in the shortest time possible, so long as no harm is done to others in the process.
(28° Leo) – (Bardon): “teaches the magician magic formulae by the application of which effects are brought about in the mental, astral and physical world by the elements, or by beings of the elements. The magician may also be taught Qabalistic formulae by which, above all, the beings of the air and water principles are easily made obedient”.
Magic is defined as the power to produce extraordinary effects. The astral senses have the power to perceive things not perceptible by physical senses, such as telepathy and clairvoyance. But what separates humans from animals is that they have evolved the brainpower and astral skills to use magic deliberately, with intent. They have learned how to tap into their minds and use mental magic for healing and personal growth. Even though we don’t know exactly how these abilities work, but we do know that they are very effective tools for creating change in our lives and we have developed time-tested techniques to employ them.
Magical effects are generally brought about in the various Planes of Existence by the Beings who are native to that Plane. For example, Beings of the Mental Sphere have the lived experience to bring about effects in the field of thoughts and ideas, while Beings of the Astral Plane have experiential knowledge regarding feelings and emotions. There are transubstantial Beings who can bring about physical effects, as can the Beings of the Earth Tattva (Prithivi) due to their general facility with the electromagnetic fluids. Spirits operate from the Spiritual Worlds, etc.
The magic words or mantras have a significant impact on the mind of the person who is chanting them. The mantra is a formula, which can change our mental state, provide us with protection and make us feel empowered. The power of mantra lies in its ability to transform one’s thoughts and feelings ultimately producing a specific desired outcome. This is called thought magic. We apply it when we want to influence others thoughts and feelings for example when we want to create empathy or trust.
Magic words and phrases that are ‘recited in thought’ will then have their effects in the Mental Realm. Mantram connected to the Breath (for example, when whispered) will have the greatest effect in the Air Element (Vayu Tattva). Psycho-emotional Dynamics contribute greatly to Water Magic (Apas Tattva) and Magic words and phrases spoken aloud and/ or accompanied by gesticulations will produce effects in the physical plane.
When a Magic Operation is being made to happen, the completion will generally be due to the collaborative work of Beings of the Plane you are working with. In other words, if you had to manifest the completion of an Operation without the aid of these Beings, it would drain your own vitality or its Life preserving power and your energy level would suffer terribly. Even so, you might only succeed in manifesting trouble of some kind. So the generative collaboration of multidimensional Beings is crucial to success.
When involved with generative collaboration, it is essential that all the loops in all the tracks are aligned properly and in sync with each other, another feature which is handled by the native experts of each tonal frequency. Thoughts of disdain or disparagement and/or abreactive emotions such as fear will repel the specialist and send the goodly being reeling into the netherworld of rejection (see Golopa, above) often to be replaced by ugliness and misshapen counter-beings who finish the job with the manifestation of a miscreant.
Takarosa is the expert to turn to for expert psycho-dynamic assistance as well as to safeguard the wellbeing of your personal vitality due to his gigantic size and enormous power.
(29° Leo) – (Bardon): “is regarded as master of the magic of water and entrusts the magician with many secret practices by which he would otherwise have no notion, as for instance, the curing of severe diseases, and the like, by the water element”.
Water magic is an ancient and powerful form of magic, which is intuition-driven and often considered as one of the most powerful forms of healing. Water Magic is a major branch of magic and a highly-valued one. It is primarily used as an instrument to heal the body, but has also been known to reconstitute the spirit and bring effective cures to psycho-emotional disturbances and help those who have largely been marginalized by mainstream society. Water carries the universal tone of life, as well as being a crucial element for all chemical ether on Earth. The power of water can hardly be exaggerated for its healing properties.
Astral magic is another ancient form of magic in which the practitioner draws down divine or spirit energy from above into the astral plane, channeling it into their body and then releasing it to heal pain or distress. Astral transdimensionality is a part of our spiritual reality that connects to other dimensions such as Spirit realms, parallel universes and past lives while carrying their own unique properties. Pure Astral Water is the essence of the Magnetic Force when working with the Law of Attraction. Humans are, of course walking tubes of Water.
Water Magic is an often-overlooked school of magic that provides a wide range of benefits. A water mage is able to cast spells with the help of liquid, either in their body or in the environment. A most interesting thing about water magic is that it can be used for healing the body (as in hydrotherapy) and for healing the psycho-emotional disturbances. An expert water mage can also use it for healing and the removal of curses and Ancestral Karmas (via cleansing) as well as the Abisheka of energy impartation and spiritual reconstitution.
(30° Leo) – (Bardon) “informs the magician of means which protect him against thunderstorms, gales etc. Apart from this, the magician’s attention is drawn, by this intelligence, to Qabalistic practices by the application of which he can calm the rough sea, stop or cause heavy rains, evoke or cease storms etc”.
By protecting the Magus against stormy weather, we are also saying that the Magus is brought into conditions of sunshine and pleasantries. These extraordinarily bright conditions are not simply naive dilettantism however, as we have seen the serious consequences of disdain and disparagement in the course of Magical Operations. The Metaphysical Qabalist has always to be vigilant against the slightest negativity, both personal and in her general milieu. A sunny disposition is a must and the Solar Genii of Leo are all involved in the Application of the Light Principle in one way or another. It is appropriate then, that Carona, protects the Magus against the ravages of storms and turbulence.