Archetypal Crabba
The Zodiacal Sign of Cancer
The Zodiacal sign of cancer is a water sign, which means that it can be gentle and passive, yet at the same time passionate and show great love. Cancerians are introverts by nature, but they are also natural entertainers. They are sensitive to the needs of others and they put an emphasis on their close relationships with family members.
Cancerians have a natural ability to empathize with others, so their work in therapy could include understanding how people feel when they go through difficult circumstances. They also need to make sure that they themselves don’t get lost in their emotions by avoiding being overly emotional or moody.
The zodiacal Cancer personality type is an emotional, sentimental and sensitive persona. They are in touch with their feelings and others, which means that they have excellent social intelligence, or S.Q. They get easily hurt when they feel as if they have been wronged and they believe that they deserve to be treated with respect. They also have a great sense of loyalty and love, making them someone you can always count on.
Cancer character traits universally include the words emotional and sentimental, and sensitive; also included are moody, nostalgic, loving and nurturing. The good things about astrological Cancer are that they are sensitive, patient, loyal and dependable. They also have an amazing memory for detail which makes them great listeners and experts at ‘trivial pursuit’.
Here are some interesting facts about the zodiac of Cancer:
-Cancer is a water sign
-Cancer’s symbol is the Crab
-Cancers are ruled by the Moon
-Cancers absolutely hate confrontation, but when it comes to defending those who are near and dear to them, they will not back down.
-The symbol for the zodiacal sign of cancer is the crab because this sign is ruled by the moon. Ancient cultures have remarked about seeing a crab pictured in the full moon.
Role of Luminous Raptures in the Interstellar Hydrogen which resonates with our liquid crystalline structured water
Luminous Raptures are atmospheric phenomena that surround the Infinite Breath of Life. Luminous raptures are as much a part of our atmosphere as clouds and nebulae. They are inseparable from the cosmic magnetism of Earth from which they emanate.
Luminous raptures have been documented since ancient times in written, pictorial, and oral history all over the world. The word “rapture” comes from a Latin word meaning “to seize or carry away”. Luminous raptures may be what is perceived in the various phanes.
These are the primal energy fields of all things. These fields flow through all species, rocks, trees and human beings and they are conscious. The Ideal figurines of this information field are imparted via wavelike fluids of luminous communicharia, now flowing in upon a shimmering mist, now swirling into vortices of form, now drifting softly across the room, now liquidating and vanishing in parting.
The interstellar hydrogen which resonates with our liquid crystals is what makes up the structures of our atmosphere. The magnetic fields help to keep this hydrogen in place, holding the forms together and contributing to coherence. The fluid dynamics of the structured vapor is what translates the Ideal Forms of the higher worlds into the swirling medium of the Spiritual Ether for condensing into physical manifestation into the material domain. From this we get the marvelous wood-grains and spiral patterns in organic ligatures and petromorphic ossifications.
The magnetism has shaped the clouds, nebulae, and atmospheric light throughout the noosphere. Without this magnetic field we would not have the clouds that produce rain, nor would we be able to see the auroras or northern lights, nor revel in the beauty in which we find ourselves delightfully immersed in the liminal zones of eos and twilight.
We should acknowledge the Manifestation power of the Moon. This Power is attributed to the Magnetic Field which is instrumental in holding things together; what we call cohesiveness. The All-Pervading signature of Vishnu-Aksara, or the Universal Moisture, is what contemporary science now refers to as Gravity. This feature of Apas Tattva is rightfully called ‘the Preserver’. Along these same lines, if you wish to manifest something in the world of matter, it will exhibit mass, or gravity. Therefore, matter precipitates out from the Magnetic Field, or Elemental Water. Theophilosophical Magico-Alchemists have long asserted that Water creates Sand; the sand precipitates out from the water. By this they mean to indicate that particles of the Higgs Boson emerge from the Information Wave carried upon the Fluidic Ether.
Water has a Memory and the Information Architecture of the Structured Water lies in its liquid crystalline filaments. The piezo-electric discharge is squeezed out of the magnetic field held in place by the cohesive configuration of the crystals. Back as far as the early Greeks, crystals were associated with ice. Ice is, of course, frozen Water, or configured Magnetism. In flowing water, its liquid form is the sonic cascade, or arpeggio, whereas chords relate to ice. The Harmonic Information structure of any Universal Music context lies in its chordal progression, or crystalline information architecture, which is fluid over Time. Time represents change and transition, and crystals represent structured information; therefore: Time Crystals, which in Music are Fluid (flowing and liquid). More fluid than the chordal progression will be the Melody, which flows delightfully in and around all other Musical Elements, such as rhythm, tempo and chords. Chronos, or Time plays the ultimate Melody, accompanied sometimes by the Fates and Destiny, who drum out the beat. Although Rhythm is often considered the fundamental representative of Time, it serves more as the Medium through which Time, intangible and ever sensed, is brought forth into the physical world as kinesthetic sensibilities.
The Moon, ever cycling through its periodic regularities, also measures out the rhythms of Life; sweeping in with the Tides and sweeping back out to Sea, leaving the shells of Marine Life exposed upon the freshly washed Sands of our manifest destiny, precipitated from the otherwise invisible field of our weeks and days. There is a tangible beat, implicative of its recurring echo, which is silently framed by the spaces surrounding its envelope of invisibility, which leaves its expectant sequentialities not unforeseen but eagerly anticipated, deep within the somatic interstices of primeval experience. A thirst then, of something deeply desired, anxiously awaits upon the widow’s watch across the moonlit waves on the open fetch of Life itself, slaked only by the faroff glimpse of the topmast of Her husband’s ship, returning at long last, safely home from his journey across the Oceans of Time. These are the Mysteries of the Moon and Her marriage to the Rhythms of Life. To know Her is to Love Her and to return again and again to the Promise without fail. He comes to Her because She calls to him across the great expanse where nothing may keep them apart, and because She believes with all Her heart in the Promise.
We are dealing here with what we have come to call the “Fluid Ecology”(mc). In the Fluid Ecology, the Manifestations of any local Environment are proceeding to emerge from the Gestalt Background of our subjective milieu; the individual perspective recognized as our surroundings. This Gestalt Background is a function of our Conditioned Identity (Personal Identification of Recognized phenomenology), constituting the Magnetic Field of our Sensory Envelope. These Envelopes are tunable and we sweep through the Field with our variable Comb Filters, picking out Electric Discharge phenomena as we comb through the Magnetic Field in search of harmonic resonance. We resonate with interior conditions as they induce harmonic simulacra in our sonic envelope. In this, we are bringing-forth cymatic chimeras from the River of Life, ready to serve our innermost reflex with contextual images playing presuppositional roles. We readily Compose our Fluidic Symphony with Celestial Harmonics or populated by ghastly dissonances according to our every sincere affection. We are Lovers in this Complementary Embrace, mutually entwined, for better or for worse.