Solar Genii in Cancer, the Crab

The Ambassadors at the Solar Embassy for Crabba in our local Solar System are four in number and consist of the following Genii and their Specialties:

Genius #12: Wybiol (Propus)- Bardon: “It is the task of the twelfth original genius of the  Sun sphere to control and guide the wisdom and knowledge of  men and beings on all planets and in all spheres.”

Wybiol, the 12th Solar Genius of our Local Star, Sol, represents the Galactic Star Propus in the Constellation Gemini (forward foot of Castor, the mortal Twin). As the Archetypal Representative of Stellar Benevolence from this Embassy, Wybiol will Administer all that is Goodly in our Relationship with the Spirit that brings forth Growth and Prosperity and Love and Beauty with regards to the Good Life on Earth, basking in the Sunlight of Golden Plenitude without lack. Propus is the central pin around which the Solar Solstice swings and therefore, the whole year as pertains to the seasons and growth.

In the Lyran Epic, Reptoid Greys from Rigel in Orion (see Spherical Gemini), invaded Procyon’s 4th planet which at the time had been colonized by Human Lyrans, and subverted their Athenian culture by infiltrating their government and leadership positions and inducing telepathic mind-control via remote hypnosis and consciousness-invasion techniques resulting in widespread fear, hatred and paranoia, just as they have done on Earth with our CIA, KGB, heads of state, and now occupy positions of power at every level of national, state and local industry, news, politics and government. Proceeding to utterly destroy Lyran society, they enslaved all the Procyonians who did not escape, bending them to their nefarious purposes.

Then, as now, it is suicidal to attempt resistance of Greys via direct confrontation or by fighting back. The invasive mental techniques afford them advance knowledge of your every defensive strategy, and of course they are experts in counter maneuvers. The best defense lies in our greatest weapon, our superior level of consciousness, which they cannot negotiate. Allied with this is the commitment to infinite personal growth and sustainable superabundance with which you outgrow your would-be captors.

This involves a switch from linear thinking to multidimensional consciousness; from male dominated left-brain to feminine whole-brain and lateral thinking. The holarchic connectonomics of complex emergence are beyond the comprehension and control of the old top-down command and control patterns of would-be dominators, whose hypnotic commands run amuck in the fertile generative opulence of emergent cascades. Magic and Visualization excel in these environments.

Having previously weathered the storm on their home planet, Procyonians are categorized as benevolent interventionists and will readily offer help to post-modern Earthlings who are presently caught up in the same struggle. You will find a safe-haven of protection at the Procyon Embassy and a worthy protector in their Ambassador, Wybiol. Procyonians excel at exposing extraterrestrial subversion and the presence of extraterrestrials among us, promoting transdimensional consciousness, deprogramming and mind-control countermeasures, human rights advocacy and advanced noospherics. Wybiol thereby helps promote and guide the wisdom and knowledge of men and beings on all planets and in all spheres.

Genius #13: Lubuyil– (from the Bardon) The range of power of the thirteenth original  genius covers the control of the principle and the element of  water in all its phases of cause and effect in the whole hierarchy, i.e. on all planets and in all spheres of the cosmic hierarchy. [cf. M]

Lubuyil, the 13th Solar Genius of our Local Star, Sol, represents the Galactic Star Sirius in the Constellation Canis Major. It has long been known as the ‘Dog Star’, signaling the beginning of the summer phase known as ‘Dog Days’. The Dog Star is full of Water.

Sirius, of course, Represents the Embassy of the Sirian High Council: “a delegation of light beings of the Galactic Federation holding frequency at the sixth density, and ours is a group of 144 representatives which includes: illuminated earth souls, Ascended Sirians, Christed Extraterrestrials, Ascended Dolphin Beings and the Great Whales, Ascended Masters, Angelic beings (the Guardians) and the Masters of Aghartha. Their purpose is to elevate consciousness of the multiverse”. The High Angel Shar is included here.

Historically, “The Galactic Federation was formed about 4.5 million years ago to prevent the interdimensional Dark Forces from dominating and exploiting this Galaxy. This interdimensional Dark force had seeded the Milky Way Galaxy with its own kind of computer-like, cold-hearted Beings. Their appearance was mainly in the form of a Reptoid or a Dinoid individual.

The Reptiles first appeared on Earth about 350 million years ago, according to fossil records, evolving from their softer-bodied amphibian ancestors. Compared to amphibians, the eggs are leathery and dry and the bodies are scaly, allowing them access to harsher enviromes. These psycho-archetypal metaphors are channeled up from the pre-cognitive subroutines as they become indoctrinated with contemporary scientific pop-culture and imagery. In a few, more or less aware writers, a cognitive systemology has emerged which is consistent with an extended coherence with folk and religious doctrine from our collective civilizations. For the most part, the existential dread of modern paranoia alongside the viewing of too many epic science-fiction movies has lead the mass hypnosis to run away with panic. The emergent narrative is a work in progress however, becoming more refined as we proceed.

The etymology of ‘reptile’ involves the proto-aryan root, ’rep’, which means to crawl, implying the fabled serpent who was condemned to crawl on its belly and eat dust. This would, of course, refer to the ‘ancient enemy’ consciousness and is consistent with thousands of years of snake lore and medieval superstition. Nevertheless, reptilians and reptoids are symbolic of enemy consciousness in the starlore of new age religions. As part of the ancient curse, there would be enmity between the woman’s children and the serpent. Anthropologists have demonstrated a distinct fear of spiders and snakes in early childhood. The reptoid archetype is generally depicted as destructive, warlike alien races, accompanied by the ever symptomatic requisite of fear.

Perhaps even more fearsome than the serpent, and much more apropos to Sirius and the Zodiacal Crayfish, is the sea-monster Cetus, or Leviathan. Appearing unbidden from the depth of the Great Ocean of Consciousness, this ‘Dark Force’ is more a Dragon than a quaint little alien reptoid, and far more serious. If humans properly understood the esoteric cause of summer squalls, of hail and gale and searing lightning, they would honor and respect more the River of Moisture that pervades our Atmospheric Consciousness, seeding the clouds with Love and Peace and omitting the calamitous riot of impassioned hatefulness that so characterize our present hour of Chaos. Hurricane season extends to the ripe harvests of Libra, often re-emerging with terrible ferocity in Scorpio, and growing ever more severe with each passing season. Menemene tikal mene: our hearts are weighed upon the balance.

This part about the galaxies having been seeded with a ’computer-like cold hearted’ genius is a subconscious emergence of the symbolic representation of the ‘reptilian hindbrain’ which runs our automatic nervous system without our cognitive input and is evolutionarily older than the aptic structures of the ’mammalian brain’ which represents the nurture of their young: thus ‘cold-hearted’ or ‘cold blooded’ creatures. When people peer into the inky blackness of the night sky, these are the psychodynamic projections which emerge. The narratives flesh these things out and readers go wild with panic. The ‘reptilian‘ hindbrain is, naturally, concerned with threats, fighting, reproduction, domination and survival.

There is no sense in fearing our own nervous system however; it is not going to invade our planet and abduct us away to cloning colonies for use as a breeding resource. The concern for self defense, national defense, security, and dominion over nature has in fact been responsible for our astonishing advances in science and technology and will continue to do so, especially if moderated reasonably well, by collaboration with our more compassionate instincts and capacities. Panic-mongers will of course, object to science and technology too; making an enemy out of both.

We can ill-afford to become Chicken Little in our international hysteria and we might additionally observe that birds are a higher evolutionary plane of the reptile. Religions of old have notoriously featured a struggle between the serpent (who steals the fledglings from the nest) and the raptor (who kills and eats the serpent). Nature is engaged in a grand and glorious balance and we are a part of it.

These Dark Beings spread across the Galaxy and began to successfully conquer thousands of Star Systems. These Reptoids/Dinoids, however, eventually reached an area of the Galaxy where free-willed sentient Human Beings had created several galactic civilizations which were their technological match. One of the basic premises of the Galactic Federation is to provide for a system of defence against sudden and unwarranted attacks. In addition, the Galactic Federation also has the important tasks of exploration, technology exchange, and cultural interaction. Just like the Angelic Hierarchy of Traditional religions, the Galactic Federation of new-age religions is here to provide effective Thought Technology to help battle anxiety and sudden panic attacks which seem to come from nowhere, out of the dark, to ambush our happiness and serenity. The experience of sudden anxiety is a functional difficulty and any help in this regard is a Godsend.

The Spiritual Hierarchy reminded all Galactic Federation Councils of the special position of your Solar System as both an important showcase Solar System and as the underriding cause for Human sentience in the first place. This argument finally overturned the karmic laws established by certain Pleiadean elements [the Nibiruans] in control of your Solar System since the fall of Atlantis some 10,000 years ago, and permitted the granting of full membership to Earth in the Galactic Federation on March 5, 1993.” All good therapy, including established religions, which must be sociologically functional, will make the client feel special and endow a sense of hope. We are always ‘special’ and ‘play an important role’, otherwise we are liable to flounder in despair. Oftentimes we are ‘enslaved’ by heartless masters who exploit us for our Labor; sometimes it is via a repressive system. This illustrates the chief difference between the slave mentality and the Master Mind: the slave is repressed by his own ideology while a Master Transcends all impediments. In any form, a case is made for liberation, emancipation, and revolutionary progress. Behold! The time is at hand.

Right now, your beloved Planet is prepared to move into Full Consciousness. The veil between the Third and Fourth Dimensions is only less than a micron in thickness. Not much time is left for Earth’s graduation.” Hurry, Act now! Sale ends Saturday! or other calls to action are often paired with messages re-educating the subject for the liminal process of transformation.

Many Sirians are deeply wise, conscious, spiritual, and loving empathic people, though they are much more evolved technologically and spiritually than us. They are more advanced in the metaphysical sense as Sirius is home to one of the most advanced training centers or universities known as the Mystery Schools, to which the Ascended Masters travel. Sirius is a star system which is a meeting place for beings of this galaxy who wish to continue their spiritual studies.We often, or at least every so often, have Dreams of Being at a University, or perhaps in advanced classrooms of multidisciplinary subject matter. These Dreams are 6th Dimensional Travels to the Solar Sphere. Sirius is host to one of the Premier Universities of Transdimensional Education and there is much that happens only in our sleep. Do not be alarmed that you are so tired and feel the need for frequent naps, for this is a Deep Learning aspect of our current Ascension into the transdimensional Future.

“They are a watery, dreamy race who are basically an evolved version of dolphins and whales, somewhat. They are said to live in the Christ consciousness, and are in a solar system very linked with our own in a psychic manner. They too play a role in helping Earth, but they are doing it from a more subtle standpoint, like through the cetaceans in our seas.” This description of Sirius is far more consonant with the Lyran roots and Pleiadean alliance of Sirius’ true character than the rambunctious paranoia that grips contemporaneous blatherings. Sirius, the Dog Star portends Water and everything about it. Beyond that, Crabba is a water sign; sensitive and caring. Reptilian ego is not so constituted and references to abductive Greys are made up and wildly speculative. However, fear sells and beyond that mental illness (and the recovery therefrom) is under the auspices of the the Lunar Sphere; Crabba being governed by the Moon. Quite frankly, obsession with Alien Abduction and the itinerant horrendous probings are a symptom of mental illness and the medieval superstitions of projective enemy-consciousness. Somebody desperately needs their psychodynamic shadow-work. “the Sirian system is the home of many galactic species, both physical and non-physical, humanoid and non-humanoid. Most of these races are quite benevolent towards mankind.

In fact, the Sirian brain has another lobe above the frontal, much like dolphins and whales have. It allows them to have stereoscopic vision: in other words, they can see inside of an object as well as the outside and opposite side in the third dimension. Also, the Sirians, as well as cetaceans, have tremendous telepathic and psychic abilities. The telepathic communication is focused through the fourth or heart chakra, more so than through the fifth and sixth chakras. This makes the communication much more loving than words or thoughts alone.” It has been my experience that humans are not at all ready for telepathic experiences. Our commitment to privacy and allegiance to rugged individualism preconditions us to immediate and certain abreaction the minute we feel that our interior thoughts are exposed, our autonomy is ‘shared’ or abrogated, or our bodily sensations are induced via outside influences. We have an instant prejudice against multiple personalities and a deeply indoctrinated religious abhorrence to ‘spirit possession’. These primitive proto-notions are rarely conducive to further advancement or evolutionary harmony and Water is far too Ancient and open-minded to proceed in such an unacceptably rude manner. Humans are often most alarmed at the strange new realities encountered at their introduction to Water Beings. At best their general impression is that it was starkly weird.

I feel the need to add that ‘the opposite side’ is not visible to 6th dimensional beings (as stated above), as it does not exist in their world. The backside of all 3-dimensional objects is virtual and partially connected to a vast and unitary connectome of virtual objects, known and seen only in the Ideal World. From the 3rd dimensional stereoscopic perspective, the backside is not ‘seen’ but conjectured.

The Sirians who are in etheric or in their native form are now working with many of us not only on activating and opening our five higher inter-planetary chakras and portions of our brains that have been dormant, but they are also working on our genetic structure. Sirians are working with many of us to actually change the DNA in our ova and sperm.” no comment, see below.

The Sirians are working with individual human beings first, then are giving us hints as to what’s happening, as we meet others and form little groups together that interconnect with one another, and then we begin to share our experiences. Later, this would lead to more conscious understanding of what their/our purpose is in the transformation of planet Earth as it goes into Ascension. The Ascension will be like a key, opening and anchoring the Light Body with the physical, emotional, and mental bodies, allowing them to integrate and thereby give each individual much greater access to higher dimensions.” We salute our Sirian brethren and their work with Qabalistico-Psychodynamic Individuation.

they often work with us in dream states, when our consciousnesses are not being so affected by our personality and ego filters. The Sirians are etheric in their native form and are now working with many of us not only to activate and open our consciousness. Human DNA is going to be shifting back to its original twelve-strand from the current double strand; the Sirians are here to aid us in this process. ” Metaphysical Qabalists are afforded 38-strand DNA, of course, having already activated the 10-stranded cultivar, and Spherical Qabalists are already in the conversion process to the 12-stranded Archetypal DNA.

The Hydrogen atom has one electron and one proton, being the Universal Atomic Prime. Therefore, Hydrogen begat every other successive atom in all Creation and is widely distributed across intergalactic spacetime forming a vast and unitary panpsychic connectome. We are thusly One with Hydrogen, in every respect. All Water is One Water and humans are walking tubes of it. When we die and pass over into the underworld, we are to say when asked, “I thirst”. And we will be offered the Waters of Lethe. Request instead the Waters of Mnemosyne.

Genius #14: Geler (Wasat)- Bardon: “The fourteenth original genius of the Sun sphere is  responsible for controlling the magnetic fluid in its subtlest and  clearest effects in all phases of evolution, on all planets and in all  spheres, including all three planes, the mental, astral and physical.”

Wasat lives in the elbow of Castor, the mortal Gemini Twin and comes from the traditional Arabic name Al Wasat, meaning the middle. “This star which joins the twins in “the middle” is associated with partnership and compromise, but also separation. It helps build bridges, forms alliances, and treaties, and leads to peace more than war. Al Wasat does show up a quality of being able to speak with clear authority when others are waffling and prominence in public affairs or management is often the result.“

The Stellar Force of Al Wasat is greatly amplified by our planetary Saturn with its leaden heft, “helping to account for the heaviness and tendency to pessimism found in people with 18 – 20° of Cancer Sign active in their charts. (disgrace, ruin, calamity). It gives violence, malevolence, destructiveness as a first principle, and is connected with chemicals, poisons, and gas. The law, courts and long drawn out battles are all indicated with Wasat fixed star prominent in an astrology chart. If in your natal chart steer clear of crime and anger-related issues to have a positive life.“

This unfortunate scenario is based upon the personal Karma and subjective system of coherent Truths. The major axis of Summertime is directly above us and all of Nature’s Growth and Fructifying forces are upon us and this Star System, which conjoins the Twins at their midsection (the mortal and the Spiritual) is calling down the Pneuma of Living Creativity into fertile manifestations via the Moon, creating unsurpassed pregnancies of Starseed prodigiousness: weeds are taking over, bugs are gnawing on everything, snakes and lizards scamper all over the house, food is rotting before you can get it back from the store; all under the muggy greenhouse gasses of the Dog Days humidity. You can bet your bottom dollar that interior argumentation will result in lightning and thunder if you do nothing to calm the psychodynamic storm that rages within.

Conjoined Twins are Magnetically Drawing-out what they desire which results, under the fertile Moon of Pregnancy, in secret conjugation with it. This is taking place in the air all around us, if we are blessed with the spirit-vision and can see it plainly enough. Special Beings are actively sponsoring this procreative extravaganza, to insure the successful completion of terms. And so the Karma of our Inner Truth becomes our projective Issue, populating the world with our karmic offspring, far more prolifically than any of us ever imagined.

We are busy colonizing the transdimensional federation and many star-systems haven taken an interest in our activity. Don’t be resentful of ancient and on-going breeding experiments or genetic engineering initiatives for we are responsible for our own wantonness and our fertility is greatly magnified by the humid nursery of our Hydrogen infused Solar system and it’s resounding magnetic resonance.

Enormous strands of Hydrogen filaments interconnect the galactic societies and are harmonically resonant, forming a vast connectome of magnetic induction, similar to the internet which easily conducts a universal information network, not dissimilar to microtubulin in the cytoskeleton of cell-signaling Organics, which resonates to the akashic frequency of cosmic information to which it is attuned. Your every thought and emotion is magnified and broadcast across the far reaches of space, easily reaching the ready ears of intergalactic scanners. Our Azoth [NW] can be a useful Key in the mediation of this Cosmic Bridgework.

Genius #15: Wybitzis (Procyon)- Bardon: “the fifteenth original genius controls the  principle of feeling in all beings and human beings living in all the spheres and on all the planets of our cosmic hierarchy.”

Wybitzis is the Ambassador for the Binary Star System, Procyon, and its Resident Genius in our local Star, the Sun. Wybitzis has great expertise in and is closely connected with the Tone Ether. The Tonal Ether is responsible for Acoustics and the Key Note of our native Qualities, enabling the perception of Music via Intervallic Harmony, which is another way of saying Relationship and Chemistry. Tone Ether is variously referred to as Chemical Ether and Mathematics (1+1=2). The Tonal Ether sings out with Harmonic Internodes, in perpetual generation of a series of secondary sounds known as the overtone series which are perceived as chimelike voices and belltones: just listen to a couple excitedly talking whenever the Chemistry is right. For those with clairvision, the environment is swimming in spontaneous pulsating forms known as cymatics, swirlings, meanders and vortices, all eager to engage with both rapport and complement.

Acoustics arouse excitation and this implies both Space and Time. Time emerged first in the Old Saturn period (Warmth Ether) with its warmth-berries and Creative Projections. Space emerged in the Old Sun, alongside Atmospherics (Light Ether). With the Tonal Ether we are seeing the influence of the Old Moon (our former stage) which implies movement (across Space and Time). All of these Complex Fields are active in the Constellations of Crabba, and well represented by their Emissaries of the respective Solar Genii. Solar illumination is reflected in the subconscious during our experiential night via the Moon, which is greatly associated with Water, representing the faculty of Feeling (or Emotion).

Spanning all of intergalactic majesty are the filamentous Hydrogen ions, as mentioned, which are in essence, suspensions of ions in solution. Ionic suspensions conduct electric charges, function as interstellar batteries and generate plasma. Plasma is a vast distributed crystal and in the same way, water is a liquid crystal, having its ionic matrix evenly distributed throughout the solution. Even more astonishing than valence and dispersal is the generative integration of Synthesis.

Audio Synthesis is a deep and satisfying science involving tonal generation and wave shaping, sound construction, as well as ambience and filters such as Doylies and Gestalt backgrounds. In essence, our interior state emits core tones which are further modified by the timbre of our Lived Experience and emitted by our physical instrument, whether it be a flute or a cello, and brought forth by the mastery of whomever is playing it. In Music Production, the success of the opus is dependent upon how well the vocals sit within the mix. Integration, in the Greek, means to reach a harmonious communion. Harmony is fundamental to the Tone Ether and the ancients experienced this spiritual communion as the Music of the Spheres. This, in large part is what Spherical Qabalah is trying to achieve.


Procyon is the main Star of Canis Minor (the lesser Dog) and the eighth brightest in the night sky. The habitable planets of the Procyon Star System are populated by two main races: descendants of a Lyran-Sirian colonization (humanoid) and reptoid refugees from a galactic war in the constellation of Crabba. The Lyrans closely resemble our Humans with slightly larger eyes that are more lively than ours. This is the emotive vitality which is always on the lookout for quick engagement and is vivaciously stimulating. These Lyran descendants are notably Bluish.

In the Procyonian planetary system, only the inner planets of one of the Binary Stars is habitable with the Amphibiods occupying the 2nd, the Reptoids, occupying the 3rd, and the Lyran Humans occupying the 4th planet, respectively. This transparency relates to the fossil evidence of Earth’s Archeology and we could, predictably conjecture that Ichthyoids swim around on the 1st habitable planet in a global ocean.

There is said to be an outpost of the Ginvo people of Procyon on Jupiter’s moon, Ganymede, who are ancient and wise. The notable physical characteristic of these friendly greys is enlarged cranial development in the anterior dorsal area. Ganymede is surrounded by a moist atmosphere. Many of the psychodynamic denizens in the Crabba arena shun violence and confrontation. Not having the dry, scaly hardness of reptoids, they are termed amphibiod and prefer moist environs. The Ginvo people of Ganymede are neither however, being evolutionary greys from the Human stem.