Jesus was not Jewish

Jesus Was an Aryan Gentile Jesus Wasn’t Jewish In the Book of Maccabees, Jews from Galilee come before Judas Maccabaeus and petition for a rescue, whereupon they (all the Galilean Jews) are deported to Jerusalem. Consequently there were no Jews in Galilee later than 164 BC. However Aristobulus (1st King of Jews, Psalm ii) had […]

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Welcome! Welcome to the department of Esoteric Christianity. Qabalah has emerged in a triune fashion with the legacy discipline known as Kabbalah (this is the traditional Judaic form); the Hermetic Branch, being referred to as Qabalah; and the Secret Esoteric Christianity emerging as Cabala. The Cabalistic secrets were developed from a confluence of Mystical Esoteric Christianity that was sequestered in the hidden message of

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